Author has written 26 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Guyver, Pokémon, Transformers, V for Vendetta, Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal, Harry Potter, Portal, Supernatural, and Thunderbirds. Welcome to my profile page. I'm an engineer, a programmer, a writer, and an artist. Oh, and also a hopeless nerd. Some random quotes: -It's you and me against the world. We attack at dawn. -Don't knock on death's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that. -I'm not suffering from insanity-- I enjoy every minute of it. -Duct tape is like the force- it has a light side, a dark side, and it binds the world together. -If all else fails, try reading the instructions. -You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. -If the doctor told me I had six minutes to live, I'd type a little faster. General Notes: 1) I do not write slash/ yaoi/ shonen-ai. The reason for this is that I am a firm believer in cannon, and none of the fandoms I write in have slash relationships in canon. As such, none of my stories contain slash. In my opinion, there's too much of that on the internet. Not hating on the guy-guy/girl-girl thing; I just don't like the random pairing of two hot people the author likes and wants to see together in a romantic relationship that would never happen in canon. 2) Stories get older as you go down the page. Most are craptastic because they are several years old. Pursue them at your own peril. Seriously people, anything older than 2009 is a definitly a no-go. The only reason I haven't deleted some of those stories out of shame is that there may be some poor saps on the internet who still enjoy them. THINGS I SHIP LIKE WHOA: Hermione/Tom Riddle Zuko/Katara Sherlock/John Watson (asexual soulmates) Jarvis/Tony Stark (bromance) Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Kirk/Spock (bromance) Sam/Bumblebee (bromance) Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (bromance) Castiel/Dean Winchester (bromance) Gabriel/Sam Winchester :3 Instability Fanart: ThatUptownGirl: http:///#/d2whxgw ThatUptownGirl: http:///#/d2wenw3 Terrifyinglint: http:///gallery/#/d2w0owi ThatUptownGirl: http:///gallery/#/d2vxzez ThatUptownGirl: http:///gallery/#/d2v8xs7 Shanks-kun: http:///art/Mistake-171243049?q=sort-kun&qo=0 Terrifyinglint: http:///#/d2ra8xa Somahybrid: http:///art/Forgiven-Instibility-160871587 Somahybrid:http:///art/Instability-Leap-of-faith-152226514 GreenAppleFreak: http:///art/Instability-Wheeljack-134010891 Blume: http:///art/An-alien-Med-bay-138034895 http:///art/Instability-alien-lair-141098857 Transformergirl: http:///art/Swirling-Symbols-133770108 Cafcow: http:///art/Instability-wedding-scene-134017366 Cafcow: http:///art/Instability-Sharpie-134492538 http:///art/Instability-Snuggling-134492989 http:///art/Instability-Not-so-super-134494292 Deserthermit: http:///art/Wanderings-130696878 http:///art/Misunderstanding-131337123. http:///art/Red-Bottle-Blue-Bottle-132206943 http:///art/Unwelcome-Surprise-132207506 http:///art/Spy-Games-133228896 http:///art/Confrontations-134090608. |
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