Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Naruto, Wheel of Time, and TV X-overs. Well, time to update this area a bit. I'm having a wonderful time with family this Christmas. I am working on my writing where my muse allows it. There is no doubt in my mind that I'll complete every story I have posted here. (Even if I have to kill everyone off.) Hopefully it won't come to that. My good friend Pax-Draconix is beta for me and doing a great job, in my opinion. Anything you see wrong is likely my fault though. Hope you enjoy what I have to write. Chaos Rules 12-25-08 My Inner Dragon is: Copper Dragon In the war between good and evil, Copper Dragons take the side of the noble and good. Dragon Description: Copper Dragons make their homes on wooded hillsides, preferably close to a spring or river. They are fond of the Irish and typically speak with a soft Irish accent. At birth, the Copper Dragon's body is covered in semi-reflective copper scales. As the dragon matures into it's young adult stages these scales become more polished and highly reflective. As the dragon grows older and moves to the elder stages of life, it's scales begin to tarnish and mature into a bright greenish brown color. Copper dragons spend little time among humans, but can be often found among the elves and other magical folk. This Dragons favorite elements are: Copper, Emeralds, and Laughter |
Community: | Just a bunch of stories I happen to enjoy. Later all. |
Focus: | General: All Categories |