Author has written 66 stories for Phantom Stallion, Mediator, W.I.T.C.H., X-Men: The Movie, Phantom of the Opera, Avatar: Last Airbender, Maximum Ride, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games. Hi. I'm assuming that you've either read my stuff and want to see what else I have to offer, or you're mad at me in some way(Did I leave you a concrit review or something?), and you want to trade petty insults, or you're bored and surfing with no real plan, or you're a pedophile looking for some innocent person to stalk/rape/murder. In the case of the first one, welcome to my profile. Here, you'll find my favorite pairings, any updates from me, and good authors/fics I want to advertise. If you come here for the second reason, have fun shooting insults at me! I have more important things to do than come up with witty retorts, so chances are I won't reply. If things get bad, I'll block you. Deal with it. The third reason, see case of first one. Fourth reason, fuck off and go find some slut at myspace. I'll be nice now. Sorry. Anyway, this is pretty much all the personal info on me you will get. No, I'm not going to list my likes and dislikes, my favorite movies and sports and books and music, or any crap like that. Let's be honest with ourselves: If you're a typical wanderer, you don't care what my cat's name is, or my favorite food, or any quotes I happen to like. You care about whether or not I actually write(Yes), and if I'm any good(Yes) If you do care about my cat's name, or my favorite food, or anything really personal about me, then you qualify under category number four and can leap off a cliff. I'm also not going to be REALLY stupid and give you a name to call me-If you must call me something, 'girrl or O.G. works just fine- or even dumber, start talking about what I look like and whatnot. Or maybe I will. I have two eyes, two hands, two feet, and what is usually considered the normal amount of limbs. Also, I have skin. That's all you need to know, and all you will find out. Paste this to your profile if you are sick to fucking death of fangirls worshipping Edward Cullen, the poster boy for a controlling, manipulative, unhealthy relationship, and people treating Twilight, a guilty pleasure book at BEST, with the genius that is Harry Potter. NOTE TO ALL FAX FANS WHO FLAME ME/BEG ME FOR FAX: I AM NOT GOING TO WRITE A PURELY HAPPY, FLUFFY FAX FIC. I'M SORRY, BUT IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I am a Mari shipper/writer, really the ONLY one, and I will write primarily Mari and Miggy, my other favorite pairing. I AM writing some Fax, but it is not going to be happy, or fluffy, or at all what you want me to write. Sorry. My Favorite Pairings(Warning: I love slash. If you bug me about being a slash shipper, I will get annoyed): From Avatar: the Last Airbender: Zutara Soph Taang Mapa(MomoXAppa) Smellerbee/Longshot For Mediator: Jesse-Suze Paul-Kelly CeeCee-Adam For Maximum Ride: Max-Iggy(Miggy) Max-Ari(Mari-I made up that name, and I am so proud!) Fang-Iggy(Figgy) Phantom of the Opera: Erik-Christine Raoul-Christine Raoul-Erik Raoul-Meg You probably won't be seeing a lot of updates from me, mostly because I'm an extremely busy person, and for me, the writing process takes a long time, because I like to tweak things and make sure I get everything right. Scroll down a little more and you'll see my works. If you see something that catches your eye, and you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it. I'm here to entertain people with good stories, and to practice writing. I know that I'm doing the second, but it's up to you to do the first :) So in conclusion...stay in school, don't do drugs, and Myrah, I'm sorry I stole your humorous ending line. O.G. |
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