This account was created when I was unable to find my previous account after an absence of some years. I did end up finding my previous account, R3dl1n3, created as a teen in high school. The main story, The Chronicles of the Ancient Jedi was initially written back in 1997 as a ninth grader. And if I was to rewrite it now, it would be, I believe, considerably different. The second 'story' is actually a collection of one shots on a range of themes, which were penned over an eighteen month period and posted on my core website Wampatown. I don't know how active I will be as a writer, but I am an avid reader, particularly of Harry Potter, Stargate SG1 and Star Wars fics; and have been dipping my toes into Game of Thrones fics of late as well. I particularly enjoy crossovers with any combination of HP/SW/GoT and SG1. |