Author has written 1 story for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Marvel. a challenge : simple one really but one I think would be a good read or a good crack Harry Potter fic. Real simple one like I said, a Harry Potter x BeastMaster cross over. I would prefer magical version of the wild bird, cat and two rodent/marsupial companions ones like Dar have and think I'd be a good story if Harry finds protectors. And by BeastMaster I do mean ether/both tv show and movies. In fact in the third (I think, it's been awhile...) movie, the beastmaster travels threw a portal to our world and in the show the BeastMaster from the movies does eventually meet Dar. And Dar's weapon could even be used by Harry if one so wishes, I mean it was a staff that connected that eventually in the show if he spun it right transformed into a sword. (this is my opinions neither truly right or wrong but just how I feel. if you feel affronted, upset, or I am taking a shot at anyone, I am not. This is just how I feel, if you wish feel free to skip any part or every part you don't like) Alright... Feel I got to post this cause some people can't take an honest review. No matter how good or bad an nasty it is. First of I don't sugar coat anything. IF a story starts out good and then falls short... I'ma call that shortness out. Now if a story starts out good, has some rough patches and then gets good again ya might get a mixed review. With that being said TAKEN REVIEWS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT AND ONLY LISTEN TO THEM IF THE ADVICE IS SOMETHING YOU AGREE TO. Also... GATA say this because it just happened. Label stories correctly. Not to long ago, few hours from when this went up I read or tried to read a Harry Potter fic. Now a big Harmony fan and very very pick with other, Ginny tops that very list. Now I went looking for Harmony stories. I read one summary and it sounded good. I skipped the authors page because they sometimes have spoilers and I like to read the summary then the story and IF the story interest me enough 9 out of 10 times I will go threw chapters to read the notes unless it's a note that's like READ THIS or something. hard to ignore those. But this story wasn't just a Harry Potter one it was a crossover. Now I'm all for those... if I know the crossover and such. Now this Storys summary made it seem good. First page was nothing but a note, I skipped because I wanted to read the story and if things started getting to out there I'd go back. Whelp, things got odd, had the characters names but seemed like a whole other universe, not the HP one. so I flat out left a review saying it should of been in crossovers, didn't sugar coat it ether. Now... Oh boy, now, I get to laugh in real life even tho I wasted my time reading it and the writers time sending me a pm... before blacklisting me. I didn't even say it was a bad fic and still won't but won't say ether the name or writers out of not respect he had for me and now same for me to him. BUT put of respect for the work, even if it was in stories and not crossovers. Apparently that makes me a troll... um ok, not actually one, would been on the news, even if mentally slow I'd try using my huge... wait would I be a forest troll or a mountain one... might make a difference. Alright rant done, now on to what I read an such. I'm just gave list them in no real order and probably gana miss a lot. Harry Potter, Naruto Bleach and other anime, Beast master(movies an tv show), Andromeda an Hercules, Marvel 90s cartoons and some MCU, DC, Buffy, Smallville, and I'm forgetting more then I remember. That an I didn't Wana go to old school an let's not bring up vampire movies an shows, rather a fan of them an large selections of horror, fantasy, scfi, an action. What I like is kinda done, eh, work on it later. An if some of this seems random an such sorry, not fully able to help but I do try, also why I have not made a story but wouldn't mind working with someone to make one. Not sure but I think... I know, I know, I ... CAN think, shocking but yeah, that's what muses are. Like take a concept from Marvel, Ghost panther, Twist it, shake it, add two more ingredients and see what comes to mind. Like having Harry blessed with powers similar to Ghost panther but make it a blessing, like he was young and Vernon bear him to a point that the soul in the scar die, but then if Harry did die, who would he meet. Eh, could be anyone really, death, an angel, god, parents, so on an so on. But the twist to that twist would be here. He gets the powers but also friends to help him not be lonely and also protected. Animals, a cat, a bird, 2 rodent like or Garret like. BUT just them and all need to be at least half animal. Now with the cat it would be his 'ride' but all the animals would get a power boost. I will be the first to say, while I love reading others stories I sadly have an extremely had time writing any type of story, I ha e dysgraphia a form of dyslexia but involving writing. I will say tho, I love giving ideas for stories and I am a proud nerd and geek (for those who take offense If you do, please don't I do not mean nerd or geek any any negative way.) I am a nerd when it comes to most history and myths, dont care the country, religion, or legend, to me every one is intreasting and has the ability to learn from or give an idea. I am a straight geek when it comes to Marvel, Dc, tv shows (to many to count...), movies and anything else that catches my intreast. I tend to watch a lot of different things simply due to remember them very easily. Just to say this, if both this and the bit above this seems a bit random or rambling, I do tend to do that but it isn't something I can really help. If it seems random or ramble to you, I am sorry but that is an issue from my dysgraphia. while I do like different things here my main two I read are Naruto and Harry Potter. Woth Naruto I firmly believe he was abused from start to finish by everyone but the ramen chief. I do like the Third but he Is guilty as everyone else. Some stories for me get it right tho with the Third when just one person goes to him and says "Wtf are you doing, letting all this happen... Are you not hokage? start acting like it and take your village back." or around those lines, he cares but not enough. Had Naruto been any less of a genius and such a strong will power... the village would be screwed if he wasn't. For those who say genius? really? ... na. I say this, out ran Anbu, painted hokage monument, evaded and has traps usually when running, pranks ( really, how can this not be a clue), how fast he learns things. Naytro might be a genius of hard work but he is also one on par with a Nara. Nara's plan 200 steps ahead of you but here is the catch eoth Naruto, you can have those 200 plans but I can promise with Naruto's intelligence and unpredictability, Naruto will come up with that one plan, on the spot after analyzing things, in the heat of battle, that's not knocking a Nara by any means, they smart as hell but Naruto is a class of his own. Think about this, on the spot, when yhe chips were down he came up with the perfect way to free his Kakashi... that's not luck, that's skill, talent and the ability to come up with complex plans on the fly that most times work perfectly or causes Naruto to switch something at the last minute to be perfect. I also firmly believe most of his attitude during cannon is a mask. Much like Harry's "If you do better then your cousin in school work..." why would Naruto show his true strength and not hide it for his protection, look underneath the underneath. As for Harry Potter, the only thing I really believe is fact is Ron is and idiot that was a setup and Dumbles is a darker lord the moldy. Moldy just would torture you if need be and kill you. Dumbles cause abuseive situations for children, does not protect them, puts them in harms way, makes sure in a war where it's kill or be kill, that his people use ... stunners, sorry that's asking for them to be killed, Knows Harry is a horrocrux and yet never asked anyone and raised Harry to be slaughtered and the only reason he did die is he messed up his own plan with the ring and made his Sith I mean dark apprentice finish it, none other then Snape. I also believe firmly Dumbles high jacket that moment in the in between since at that point, Harry was Master of Death. He was the moment he had the stone. let's see, stone check, cloak check for ownership and the kicker and why he was, the wand already considered him it's master. That's all threw before he walks into the forest, way before. Dumbles motive was simple, be greater then merlin. Whelp, he failed but he did try. Tradit9ns not working, get rid of em, muggleborns?, pretend to be some grandfather figure so they become steeple when in his positions, not a darn thing is done to really help. |