Author has written 36 stories for Matantei Loki Ragnarok, Harry Potter, Naruto, and Shugo Chara!. i obviously spend way to much time online. it certainly can't be healthy. i'm a MAJOR romantic and i procrastinate with everything (stories, drawings, homework...). i LOVE reviews, they are my anti-drug, so if you can, REVIEW. i don't get enough... sad... but seriously. does anyone actually read these profiles? gender (i never say 'sex' because everybody i know starts cracking up if i do. yeah, my friends aren't exactly the pinnacle of maturity.): female. age: what are you going to want to know next? my weight? sniff. how rude. also known as: i have a lot of names, most of them completely random and made up by me... other usernames: i have one on deviantart, Kixel-chan, although there's nothing there ( and i have a new one, which is also completely devoid of work), and one on fictionpress, AniPapyrus favorites/hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, food, sleeping, music favorite colors: blue, silver, red, purple, black, white, and all the shades in between! favorite type of book: i'm not really picky. fantasy, romance, adventure, historical (usually during some major war. i don't like the fighting aspect as much as i like the human aspect), sarcastic (i know that's not really a type of book, but who doesn't love sarcasm? really?) favorite pairings: deisaku, extremely well-written sasusaku, itasaku, gaasaku (sakura goes w/ just about everyone for me), shikaino, nejiten, naruhina, mayuloki, DMHG, kazunekarin, JackOC (i'm just not able to see him w/ any of the actual characters, but i want to see him with somebody). i don't mind well-written yaoi. i think that the best stories are ones that keep you hooked, even when it's over, and inspire thoughts and feelings, before, during, and after, and that the best fanfictions are ones that add fuel to the fire, keeping it going or bringing to life a previous obssesion that you might have forgotten. if any of that made sense... Flames are okay. Favorites are sweet. But do you know what I think, Can't be beat? Praises are cool. Alerts are swell. But for a review, next time, I'll rhyme. Now, doesn't that make you want to review? Yes? Thank goodness, because if that hadn't worked, i would've had to resort to juggling chainsaws. Or something... (and yes, i did write that. see what lack of reviews does to me?) Fanfic Updates Death Do Us Part (Harry Potter) - on hold until further notice DracoxHermione Though I didn't think it was possible, while on the verge of discontinuing it, I decided that (why not?) I would keep going as long as I could. I still have no idea where it's going, so I can only write and hope for the best. Expect a chapter as soon as possible (hopefully!) On the other hand, I'ma lazy bum, so by soon, I mean, "Eh. Maybe eventually...?" Coffee Art (Naruto) - ongoing DeidaraxSakura I really love the idea behind this, so, hopefully, this one will go on for a bit. On the other hand, I've never had the attention-span or the creativity to go on with a chapter story for very long. Fingers crossed, and review please! Red, White, and Black (Naruto) - on hold unto further notice DeidaraxSakura This is sort of a crack-fic, seeing as I don't even understand how I got the idea in the first place, or understand the idea period. Once again, fingers crossed, and reviews keep me going! Of course, my main focus right now is Coffee Art, so if you're waiting on either of them, CA is a better bet. |