Author has written 40 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Final Fantasy VII, Gundam Wing/AC, Ranma, Final Fantasy IX, Weiss Kreuz, X/1999, Angel Sanctuary, Yami no Matsuei, Yu-Gi-Oh, Love Mode, and Finder Series. I write long fanfics with a semi-dark flavor. My current (and only) active work is my Final Fantasy VII epic "Conflicts of Interest Redux". Due to Real Life(tm) time constraints, all other fics are on indefinite hiatus. ATTENTION: (updated 14-Apr-2011) For the most current fic and status updates, please visit my LiveJournal page, while the older fics (including those removed from for mature content) are archived at my website: Madamhydra's LJ -- madamhydra(dot)livejournal(dot)com Madamhydra's website -- www(dot)madamhydra(dot)net(slash)index0(dot)html |
asprosdrakos (14) Jade Tatsu (54) Knowing Shadows (3) | Nashidesei (14) Nenya85 (13) Princess Artemis (3) tfa1 (2) | Vathara (120) xblackstatic (0) |