Author has written 7 stories for Code Lyoko. Hey people! I just went to this awesome site, called ! You all should check it out! I also created a quiz! Click here to go to my profile and go to my quiz page!Also... thanks to my many reviewers, and people who just PM me for a random conversation! Also, thanks to all the annonomous reviewers on my stories. I'll try to list some of them off the top of my head... Hoshicatr -- SaphireRaider -- FrogDisease-- Sargentaaron2004 -- Topaz16-- Yumi13191 --Parselmaster-- Amaherst -- emilyro11292 -- YumiwithUlrichalways --K.O.L-- Jarkobubbles84 -- Tourmaline91 --Banana123 (SORRY! SO SO SO SORRY I FORGOT TO ADD YOU! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!) Thats all I got off my head! Sorry if I forgot you! (which if I did, and you've talked with me more than once, and reviewed my story more than 3 times, then tell me and you'll be added right away! I don't like forgetting people!) ALSO MY FRIEND HOSHICAT IS MAKING A WEBSITE, AND WHEN WE OFFICIALY "FINISH" OR COME CLOSE ENOUPH TO BE PROUD OF IT, I'LL POST THE WEBSITE OR HAVE HER POST THE WEBSITE ON HER PROFILE. nOw...i HaVe SeVeRaL sToRiEs, AnD i'D lOvE tO hAvE pEOpLe ReAd ThEm! rEaD aNd ReViEw! (YeA.. i'M hAvInG fUn WiTh ThE cApS tHiNg...) Take this quiz too... its not mine, but its REALLY awesome! click Here |
Community: | Lyoko Lovers |
Focus: | Cartoons Code Lyoko |