![]() Author has written 6 stories for Fairy Tail, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. name: pyro and after the longest time on this archive, I can finally fix up my profile anyway; introductions aside, you may call me Pyro. That's not my real name, but it's something for me to go by. There's not much else for me to talk about. I live in the U.S. I love writing, which ultimately leads me here to write stories, but that's enough about me now. The good stuff, you know, my stories and stuff. A Fairy tail re-told this story originated from my intentional thoughts of the anime. Don't get me wrong, I love the series, and to this day, it is my favorite anime. I honestly didn't think the story would get as far as it had when I first started writing, nor did I expect such a following. Seeing as it's an Au-type story, they don't seem very popular on this archive. As for how far I'll get, I'm not sure. I'm hoping I can do the entire story of the series to at least the tartaros Friendship, Family, Love, and the fairy tail. This story was initially meant to be a one-shot called Bedtime Stories, but I decided to make it a series of one-shots as it got more followers. You can request a story for me to write, or I'll post something on the story. This story will go on till I get bored posting on it, so yeah; also, the request board is below. I am an anime nerd, so of course, I have some Favorite anime: Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Sword Art Online, My Hero Academia, Kill la Kill Bakugan, Naruto, Assassination Classroom, Black Lagoon, I Want to get into more anime or its Western equivalent, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know; I might end up posting some stories for other animes or one-shots. Shipping-believe it or not, I don't have a set stone ship. I like exploring how a specific character would be with another character. it may be random at times, but I love seeing some characters with other people who I believe they'd get along with, so expect a total of completely random shipping in all my stories Upcoming Friendship, Family, Love, and the Fairy Tail Chapters Here's a list of story ideas I have for upcoming chapters and requests that have been made so you know that I am listing to you guys when you make them not sure when they'll be uploaded, but know I am working on them A Fairy Tail re-told wiki(potential spoilers, so read at your own risk) Guilds As explained by Mira in Chapter 5, the guild system is run by strength in this version of Fiore. Each Guild is a subdivision of a larger guild, the big three being Phantom Lord, Blue Pegasus, and Lamia Scale guilds are mostly set up in a way where you are under their protection, and all requests are sent to the main Guild and are sprinkled to the minor ones under their charter. After the events of the Phantom Lord arc, the strongest Guild, Phantom Lord, was forced to disband, leaving only Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus as the top guilds. After the fall of Phantom Lord, two guilds rose from the ashes, each talking half of what used to be Phantom Lord. The two guilds are Sabertooth and Mermaid Heel. Both guilds are said to be edging close to war. The king would later come up with the grand magic games as a way to prevent the guild from going to war. However, it has become a staging ground for their conflicts behind the scenes, and the Magic Council believes that it will be the catalyst for war. After the X791 grand magic games, a small peace seems to be established between the guild, though no one knows how long it will last. After the war with Alvarez, the guild of Fiore formed an association in order to manage most of the activities as many guilds have started to go independent of the territory system, becoming a thing of the past. Magnolia The city of magic is what it is called it. In this series, Mavis never creates the Fairy tail guild, and instead, it becomes a beacon for solo wizards to find work and have places to call home since they don't want to join guilds. However, due to a large amount of guild activity, jobs are scarce, and the town is not as famous, leaving them to have tons of celebrations to keep the wizards nice and happy. It's said to be protected by the children of Mavis. After the disappearance of Tenrou Island and the wizard team Fairy Tail, the town has since fallen under a guild scattering the solo wizards across the country and beyond. After their victory in the grand magic games, Fairy Tail was able to reclaim their home of Magnolia once again, making it a safe haven for solo wizards everywhere. After the war with Alvarez, not much has changed in the town other than becoming one of the central hubs for magical development and a training ground for many of the run knights under Laxus. The children of Magnolia The protectors of Magnolia were hand-picked by Mavis herself and said to be on par with wizard saints. These legendary wizards are nothing but myths everywhere. Still, in Magnolia, the title is passed down every so often from the previous one and, in most cases, only goes to a wizard who is willing to protect the town at any cost; the three children of Magnolia have since disbanded as no new members have been recruited and Mavis has yet to return. Its two members, along with Mavis, would return after seven years and have since reformed the team. They plan on taking back Magnolia. The real purpose of the children of Magnolia was revealed to be to protect the fairy heart from any who would want to use its power for evil. The group's original name was revealed to be the Guardians of Magnolia. However, it was later changed when Makarov took up the mantle. After the passing of Mavis and the loss of the fairy heart, the group would go on to disband. However, they still hold a bit of authority in the city and are still seen as the leaders of the wizarding populace of Magnolia. Current status: disbanded Notable members Natsu Dragneel( the chosen son) Mirajane Strauss( the chosen daughter) Erza Scarlet(the second daughter) Mystogen(second son) Laxus Dreyer( the fallen son) Makarov Dreyer(the first son) Yajima Gildarts Clive Precht Gaebolg Yuri Dreyer Warrod Sequen Fairy tail The team was formed by Zera and Mavis, the sole survivors of the team's namesake, the guild fairy tail, as they both wanted vengeance against the guild Blue Skull for the destruction of their guild; joined By Precht, Yuri, and Warrod, the five would go on to face the guild while also liberating the city of Magnolia becoming the premiere wizard team made up of the strongest wizards from the city normally following the guardians of Magnolia. After the end of the second trade war, the group would mainly just be a means of keeping guilds from invading the city; however, in the year X780, Laxus, and Natsu would attempt a coup in the power structure of Magnolia, tearing the team apart and in the fall out many key members would leave the team. The team would eventually disband in the year X782 after the death of Lisanna. Natsu would go on to reform the team after the phantom lord war in case the remaining guilds attempt to overthrow Magnolia and also use it as a way to trust the remaining two big guilds to create an easy alliance. The group would expand even further during the events of Tenrou Island as a cover for the search for a new member for the children magnolia. After Tenrou island's events, a good portion of the team disappears, with Wendy Marvell and Lily being the only survivors; six years later, Wendy, Kinana, and Lily are all that make up the team as they train Romeo, the group later officially disbanded as its remaining members would go on to form a new team. Its core members would later be revealed to have survived seven years later by going into stasis with the fairy sphere. During the grand magic games, Mavis would reduce the team so they could participate in the games to win back Magnolia. After the fourth day, the team would merge with Dragon Tail as a way to compensate for both teams' heavy losses during the previous days. The team would once again be reformatted in order to rescue Lucy, working alongside the children of Magnolia. The team's last major change would come after everything is done, with its original members finally becoming a team again, hoping to help Magnolia become the heaven for solo wizards it once was. After the events of Tartaros, the dragon slayers would leave the team to train for their fight with Acnoliga, as Fairy Tail would go on to start working closer with the magic council; two years later, after the dragon slayers return, the group would reform in order to rescue Mavis who had traveled to Alvarez. After the war with Alvarez, the group would disband, with each member returning to normal lives but still keeping in contact with each other and taking the occasional job. Current status: Inactive Former members Zera Tenrou(founding member)(deceased) Mavis Vermillion(founding member)(deceased) Precht Gaebolg(founding member) Yuri Dreyer(founding member)(deceased) Warrod Sequen(founding member) Rita Dreyer(deceased) Makarov Dreyer Yajima Gildarts Clive Laxus Dreyer Mystogen Natsu Dragneel Happy Mirajane Strauss Erza Scarlet Lisanna Strauss(deceased) Elfman Strauss Lucy Heartfilia Gray Fullbuster Juvia Lockser Gajeel Redfox Wendy Marvell Carla Panther Lily Cana Alberona Levy McGarden Evergreen Romeo Cornbolt Kinana Meredy Rossello Mest Grynder(deceased) Jellal Fernadez Ultear Milkovich(deceased) Dragon tail the spiritual successor to Fairy Tail, which formed six years after the team's disappearance and disbandment, the groups formed to take on the newly rising Raven tail, who planned on using the infinity clock to cause unknown destruction and cause the end of the world. The group calls itself the spiritual successor of Fairy Tail as the team's leader is a former member, and most of the members have, at some point, had their lives affected by the members of Fairy Tail. After the battle was over, the group would disband with its mission done, and with the blessing of Zentopia, the group would go their separate ways to go back to hunting for jobs. The group would later be reformed for the grand magic games in order to increase the chances of getting Magnolia back by having ten solo wizards on the field. The team would once again disband after merging with Fairy Tail due to heavy losses for both teams. A few weeks after the games, the group would be re-instated by several other wizards in Magnolia in order to help fairy tail around town. Current status: active Elfman Strauss Cana Alberona Laki Olietta Kinana former members Wendy Marvell Panther Lily Romeo Cornbolt Freed Justine Bickslow Lyon Vastia Max Alors Alzack Connell Bisca Connell Mirajane Strauss Laxus Dreyer Gajeel Redfox Juvia Lockser Jellal Fernandes(disguised as Mystogen) Drakon Slayer magic Drakon slayer magic replaces second-generation dragon slayer magic. Simply put, it's an artificial version of Dragon Slayer magic made to remove its drawbacks, namely dragonification, though the motion sickness was a nice bonus. Drakon slayers are said to be stronger than the average dragon slayer. Name origins: from what I was able to research, drakons are the Greek equivalent of dragons, but that was from Wikipedia, so I'm not sure how reliable it is. The only other place I Could find things on drakons was from the Percy Jackson series, in which they are several millennia older than dragons and are entirely different species to quote, "Drakons (not to be confused with Dragons) are giant, monster serpent-like creatures several millennia older than dragons." Again, I'm not sure how true this is, but I'm taking it as though I did change it, as explained by Cobra in the Nirvana arc. Hell, for all I know, it's just the same thing at this point, but it sounds cool on paper, so I'm going to run with it. I only wish I had this idea when I first started writing known types of drakon slayers Laxus Dreyer: The lightning drakon Cobra: The poison drakon Smoke: The smoke Drakon God Serna: Multiple Arcs Fairy Tail Rising Saga Beginning arc(Macao arc, daybreak arc, and Lullaby arc)(chapters 1-8) Fairy tail: Ambitious young solo wizard Lucy finds herself in the adventure of a lifetime as she joins an uneasy team-up with fellow wizards, a mysterious fire wizard named Natsu dragneel, an ice wizard with a bad habit of stripping Gray Fullbuster, and the Legendary Scarlet Knight Erza Scarlet. To find and stop a powerful relic called Lullaby, but when they learn that the relic is in the possession of a rising dark guild, this ragtag team of misfits must rally together to save the magic world as they know it. Curse of Galuna Island arc(chapter 10-18) Fairy tail: The Curse of Galuna Island: A mysterious curse has befallen the Island of Galuna, and Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy go at the request of Mystogen. Upon their arrival, they learn that the curse of the moon drip affects all who set foot on the Island thanks to a mysterious ritual led by the mysterious Cold emporer in a bid to resurrect Deliora, the demon of destruction, sealed years ago by the person who taught Gray his ice make magic Ur Milkovich. Phantom Lord arc( chapters 20-30) Fairy tail: the Phantom Lord: The strongest guild in Fiore, Phantom Lord set its sights on Lucy, revealing her as the heiress to the Heartfilia fortune. They launch a brazen assault on Magnolia, aiming to seize control of the town and return Lucy to her father. This triggers a tumultuous conflict, escalating into an all-out war as the wizards of Magnolia unite to defend both their friend and their home from the overwhelming might of The Phantom Lord. Loke arc(chapters 31-32) Fairy tail: Fallen Star: In the heart of Magnolia lies its greatest mystery, Loke. He casually strolled into town one day and seamlessly integrated into the community, earning the title of the town's resident playboy. Yet, beneath his charming facade lies a shadowy secret. The one question everyone asks is what kind of secert he is hiding. Tower of Heaven arc(chapters 33-41) Fairy tail: The Tower of Heaven: When Erza is kidnapped by people from her childhood, Fairy Tail is forced into a race against time as the mysterious Jellal Fernadez, the twin brother of the wizard saint and magic council member Segrain, plans on using her to activate his creation, the tower of heaven which is said to be able to resurrect the legendary black wizard Zeref. Fairy tail will have to put all they can if they want to save Erza from the chains of her past. Revenge of the thunder legion arc(chapters 42-48) Fairy tail: Revenge of the Thunder Legion: The annual magnolia harvest festival has arrived; there is much to celebrate. However, the festivities are interrupted by the return of the powerful thunder legion led by Laxus Dreyere, the Grandson of Makarov Dreyer and former leader of Fairy Tail. Pinning friend against friend all in a bid to establish a guild in Magnolia and the new team Fairy Tail is all that stands in his way as Natsu must come to terms with his past and the part he played in the downfall of the previous team, fairy tail if he wants to protect the place that many wizards are starting to call home. Nirvana arc(chapters 53-69) Fairy tail: Nirvana: Dark guilds have started appearing all over Fiore, each more powerful than the last, and they all report to a mysterious wizard team called the Oracion Seis. Recognizing this threat, the Allied forces ask Fairy Tail for help in preventing the wizard team from obtaining an ancient and powerful magic known as Nirvana. Alongside the independent guild Cait Shelter, Fairy Tail confronts its most difficult challenge yet. Edolas arc(chapters 76-96) Fairy tail: Rise of Edolas: After a power-hungry ruler from another dimension seizes the entire town of Magnolia, Carla, Natsu, Happy, and Wendy are transported to the enchanting world of Edolas. In this realm, magic is rapidly fading, and they have turned to stealing magic power from any source from earthland, turning any man, woman, and child into a giant Lacrima. Fairy tail quickly becomes embroiled in a desperate battle to safeguard the survival of the dimension as they race against time to rescue their friends. Tenrou Island arc(chapter 97-122) Fairy tail: Legacy of Tenrou Island: With Mystogen's departure from both Fairy Tail and the children of Magnolia, Mavis begins to seek out who can replace him in hosting the first-ever trial of the children, taking place on her home of tenrou Island. Unknown to them, a mysterious man has taken refuge on the Island due to everything dying when it comes near him. On top of that, the dark guild Grimoire heart is also on the Island to capture this mysterious man and challenge Fairy Tail. Witness the thrilling conclusion to the dark guild saga as the long-awaited battle between Fairy Tail and Seven Kin of Purgatory begins. The year X791 Saga Key of the starry sky arc(chapters 124-143) Fairy tail: Key of the Starry Heaven: Six years have passed since Acnologia destroyed Tenrou Island and Fairy Tail. The world has moved on, Magnolia has fallen, and solo wizards have scattered far and wide across the land of Fiore and beyond. Wendy, the lone survivor of the horrific attack, finds herself at a pivotal crossroads when she is approached by Jude Heartfilia and his spirited niece, Michelle Lobster. Together, they are entangled in a dangerous quest involving an ancient clockpiece while being relentlessly pursued by the zealous Legion platoon of Zentopia, a separate nation. Their mission is to prevent the activation of the fabled infinity clock, believed to hold the power to end the world. However, unbeknownst to them, a secretive and ominous threat looms in the shadows, posing an even greater danger than they could have ever imagined. Fairy tail returns arc(chapters 144-145) Fairy tail returns: Upon receiving reports of peculiar oceanic activity from the Blue Pegasus guild, Kinana and Lily spring into action to investigate. They are determined to uncover the truth about Tenrou Island's potential existence and the fate of the Fairy Tail guild members. The air is filled with unanswered questions as numerous wizards cling to the hope that their comrades have somehow survived the encounter with Acnologia or, at the very least, yearn for the closure they deserve. Grand magic games arc(chapters 151-182) Fairy tail: The Grand Magic games: Now that the lost members of Fairy Tail have returned, the group is planning to retake Magnolia from Sabertooth, a guild that gained power after Phantom Lord disbanded. Wendy suggests that they participate in the Grand Magic Games, where the winning team representing a major guild can negotiate for territory. Our heroes decide to join in, but a visit from some familiar faces, now known as Crime Sorcière, makes them question the true purpose of the Grand Magic Games. Ecplise gate arc(chapters 183-199) Fairy tail: Ecplise: After winning the grand magic games, Fairy Tail is approached by the mysterious Arcadios. He reveals to them the true purpose of the grand magic games: to power an ancient magical artifact called the Eclipse Gate. The kingdom plans to open the gate on July 7th, a fated day. However, a mysterious visitor warns of a disaster on July 7th. Fairy Tail must rally their allies and come together to fight off a threat that could spell the end of the kingdom, as the dragon king festival begins. The netherworld Saga phoenix priestess arc(chapters 206-214) Fairy tail: the phoenix priestess: Natsu and his mighty team of wizards as they encounter Éclair, a mysterious girl shrouded in secrets. As they delve into her past, they realize that she is linked to the phoenix stone, a legendary artifact sought after by a power-hungry king. This king is on a quest to harness the stone's power for immortality, setting the stage for an epic battle between good and evil. Sun village arc(chapter 222 - 227) Fairy tail: Sun Village: In the months since the conclusion of the grand magic games, Fairy Tail has since returned home and has regained a normal tendency to go on jobs. However, the group soon receives a special request from one of the four gods of Isghar that has them traveling to the hidden Sun Village, which has been mysteriously caged in ice. Their mission, free the village from the ice; however, when new and old foes appear. Our heroes learn of a deeper threat that is lying in the shadows. Tartaros arc(228 - 260) Fairy tail: Shadow of Tartaros: Disaster strikes as the dark guild Tartaros makes its moves with a plan that could destroy the magic world when they capture one of the magic council's secret weapons. A terrible device known as FACE is said to be able to wipe magic from the entire continent. Fairy tail is all that stands between the terrifying creatures of the netherworld and their goal to bring back their master, the ultimate demon E.N.D. The Alvarez saga Avatar arc(261-263) Fairy tail: Avatar: in the half a year since their victory against the dark guild, Tartaros Fairy Tail must tie up some loose ends from their fight with Ryos. in they must prevent him from becoming born by taking on the dangerous Avatar. Events have been set in motion as a bigger picture comes into play, and as the end draws near, our heroes must come to think of their future and consider the possibility of a world no longer needing fairies. Alvarez arc(264 - 302) Fairy tail: Age of Alvarez: Mavis is missing; after a blazing return, the dragon slayers return to find out that Mavis has gone to the sister country of Fiore Alvarez, who plans on invading the continent of Isgahr to gain the fairy heart. The children's biggest secret and most powerful weapon, Fairy Tail, the twelve most powerful wizards on the planet, the spriggan twelve, and the dark wizard himself, Zeref. The Dragon King Festival is coming to a climatic end as our heroes face their final adventure and their most formidable challenge yet. Interludes(chapter 9, chapter 19, chapters 50-52, chapters 70-75, chapter 123, chapters 146-150, chapters 200-205, chapters 215-221) these are the small moments that don't have connections to the main story arcs and are just the main cast goofing off or doing random jobs cause those are still a thing. Trivia and fun facts facts -The original title of the story was Fairy Tail Resurgence -Originally, Erza and Gray would also stay with Mavis, with Lucy moving in at the beginning of the series -in the original draft, Fairy Tail was a mercenary group for hire that worked against the council's wishes and getting in contact with required to use a special line -I did intentionally decide not to keep lost magic's secret. I didn't make this decision until the Curse of Galuna Island arc due to the particular way people talked about Natsu -Originally, it was Natsu and Erza who were going to have a heavy brother-sister relationship alongside Gray - as stated above, Gray and Erza were already meant to know Natsu. However, I changed it at the last minute as I forgot to include Gray in the opening scene, which led to their meeting in Chapter 4 -Natsu and Mira's brother-sister was also a last-minute decision made while I was writing chapter 2 A lot of side characters were going to put from the story, such as Cana, Wakaba, Warren, and Laki, were almost cut from the series, with characters like Nab and Warren not being present at all till later arcs, and even then, they disappear after a while -There wouldn't be any wizard guilds in the initial draft; they would just be wizard teams, with Fairy tail being the main focus. However, I decided to change it because it just didn't seem easy to maintain -The story has been re-written two times: the first was when the story was renamed from Fairy tail: resurgence to A Fairy Tail, the second time was after the story was completed when the first half of the story was re-written bounty bord list Just what it sounds like; I sort of hinted at it in chapter 151 of A Fairy Tail re-told but didn't go into much detail. In any case, these rankings were a way for the council to track solo wizards and for guilds to find ways for others to find and bring them in so they could be brought into the fold. The stronger the wizard, the more worthy they were to the guild. It was split into two sections, S-class and normal. S-class bounties 1. Gildarts Clive 4,500,000 2. Natsu Dragneel and Mirajane Strauss 4,000,000 3. Erza Scarlet 3,000,000 4. Wendy Marvell 2,500,000 5. Gajeel Redfox 1,200,000 6. Kinana 1,000,000 Top ten most wanted 1. Cana Alberona 900,000 2. Elfman Strauss 850,000 3. Gray Fullbuster 800,000 4. Alzack and Bisca Connel 700,000 5. Max Alors 650,000 6. Laki Olietta 500,00 7. Enno 450,000 8. Chico C Hammitt 450,000 9. Lucy Heartfilia 325,000 10. Juvia Lockser 320,000 Deleted scenes Exactly how it sounds, these were events or moments that I planned out, but I couldn't just fit in, or I felt didn't make any sense story-wise, for the characters will update as the story goes on. I might go back and add a few of these, but as of right now, they don't exist anywhere Beginning arc -There was going to be a scene in which Natsu and Lucy spend a few minutes in the house talking to Mira and Elfman -There was going to be a fight going on in the pub that would have introduced Gray, but as I said, I Forgot to include it -Gray and Natsu would have fought instead of just a simple argument, but I cut this cause it felt off -There was meant to be a private conversation between Erza and Natsu -I dropped the entire Salamander plotline here Curse of Galuna Island arc -Erza would have been present during the arc having come on a similar job -Grimoire heart would have been introduced here by having Ultear talk to someone about her loyalties I cut this so I could focus more on Jellal Tower of Heaven arc -More wizard saints would have been present at the firing of Etherion -Fairy tail and Erza's childhood friends would have been with Erza when fighting Jellal with Happy convincing Natsu to go back -There would have been a physical fight between Natsu and Erza -an additional scene of Mavis trying to figure out what happened to Natsu and co Revenge of the Thunder Legion arc - There would have been a few more flashbacks about Natsu and Laxus -The Thunder Legion would have left with Laxus instead of staying in Magnolia Nirvana arc -Natsu and Wendy's shared past would have been revealed. However, I decided against it, though I might include it later on Edolas arc -Natsu would have been with Wendy when she ran into Mystogen, giving the two a chance to talk about why he looked like Jellal -Elfman's edolas counterpart was initially meant to have survived the edolas wizard purge but was injured to were he couldn't work anymore -There would have been a few more scenes between Natsu and Lisanna -At some point, the two would have had a chance to dance while in the royal city. However, I could never find the right time to make this happen -Mira would have replaced Erza as the character freed from the Lacrima, which would have led to a Mira vs. Erza fight -Edolas Wendy would have fought Edolas Erza by herself Tenrou Island -There were initially three reasons that led to Fairy Tail ending up on Tenrou Island -The first reason would have been Mavis sensing dark energy on the Island and taking Fairy Tail to investigate, which would have led them to find Zeref on the Island and the war with Grimoire's heart. The trial stuff would have been a flashback. -The second reason would have been Mavis taking the group there to give them a break; this would have led to a running joke in the series that Fairy Tail can't seem to take vacations. -There would have been an additional flashback of Hades and Makarov -The third reason would have been Carla's vision leading them to the Island and the war with Grimoire heart starting a lot earlier, and the trial stuff would have been primarily flashbacks (also, I want to note in this version, Mystogen had stayed in earthland) -Gildarts would have already known that Cana was his daughter; their relationship in the story would have mostly involved Cana feeling that she couldn't live up to Gildarts and being a disappointment to him. -Natsu and Cana's relationship would have been explored a little more in the story, with Cana feeling that Natsu was the person Gildarts wishes she was, leading to a sort of sibling rivalry. It would have been the son I never had vs. the daughter I always wanted type of thing going on there -I also would have left the whole nature of their relationship up to viewer interpretation; make of that what you will -Gajeel initially would have fought Zancrow -Juvia initially would have fought Rustyrose -Elfman and Evergreen initially would have stayed behind -The seven kin and their magic mainly remained unchanged, with the exception of Meredy, who had gone through several changes while I was writing up the story -in one version, she was a God slayer( I was just playing around with characters' magic) -In another version, she was just an underling of Ultear. Not much changed amount her magic, and she still fought Juvia. Her main goal, however, would have been finding Gray and helping secure Zeref from Hades. - In this version, she would have been replaced by another character (an OC) that would have been a dragon slayer, though as I said in the chapter, one of my friends suggested making Meredy the dragon slayer, and I decided to drop the character, I might use them again -Meredy, however, went through several changes for her dragon slayer element -At first, she was going to be a wood dragon slayer(based on the 100year quest) -I also thought of making a water dragon slayer (though, at the time, it wasn't going to be Meredy) -For the longest time, though, Meredy was going to be an Ice Dragon slayer to the point that I had started writing the first chapter; for those who don't know, Gray might have become an Ice Dragon slayer at some point. I also would have had her learn ice-make magic over the seven-year gap -However, I also thought of making her a Sand dragon slayer, which led to the version of her you saw in the story based on another sand-wielding anime character, though, at the last second, I decided to change her to a snow-dragon slayer cause well snow is an underutilized element - Wendy would have been the one to fight Meredy -Juvia's death -In the chapter, Fairy Tail Strikes Back would have been when this was revealed in one version, Meredy would present the group(Gray included) with Juvia's severed head (I scrapped this cause it seemed a little dark) -I was actually for it but decided to change it cause, well, it would have led Gray down a similar arc that Natsu had during the edolas incident -Mavis originally wouldn't have taken the form of the grand fairy and simply had given Fairy Tail the strength to defeat Hades by destroying his heart -Mira and Gajeel would have participated in the fight with Hades. However, I could only find a way for one to recover enough for the fight; in this version, Juvia had died, and Elfman and Evergreen weren't there -The Thunder Legion would have returned with Laxus saving Cana and Levy from Yomazu and Kawazu Key of the starry sky arc -Originally, this arc would have happened after Fairy Tail had returned, though it was changed as I wanted to do an arc that showed the world without Fairy Tail -that version is still similar to what happened in the story, though the main difference would have been Lucy's relationship with Katja. -I want to clarify that Jude would still have been alive as well -The episode legion fierceness was cut entirely from the story as it was unnecessary -The Oracion sies did, in fact, stay as the main villains of the arc, though I changed it in order to include Raven tail in the story -The character Miko didn't exist, and Wendy would have just traveled around, though I wanted her and Kinana to have a place to go to -Jura would have been present instead of Makarov and had been the one to fight Byro -The other members of the Lamia scale team would have made an appearance -In one version, Wendy and Kinana would have taken Natsu and Mira's place as the children of Magnolia -There would have been a few additional flashbacks between Lucy and Jude, showing his remorse for the action he took against Lucy -Katja would have been the one with Jude instead of Michelle(Imitatia -Wendy and Kinana would have taken on the mantle of fairy tail, though I decided to come up with another team -At first, Warren never joined a guild, but I wanted to show how bad things have gotten for solo wizards, and I couldn't find a good way to get him into the story Fairy Tail Returns arc -Originally, this arc took place before the Key of the Starry Sky arc -Blue Pegasus would have arrived with Lamia scale in order to celebrate the return of fairy tail -Judes death -In the first version, when this arc took place before Key of the Starry Sky, Jude's death happened normally -In another version, it would have happened at the end of the Key of the Starry Sky arc -Wendy was present when Kinana and Lily decided to go to Tenrou Island. She would have, at that point, given up hope on them returning and used to chase rumors, leading to another argument between the two -the fall of Magnolia -In the original version, Magnolia would have lost all its wizards with Fairy Tail returning to a run downtown similar to what happened in zero -In another version, the group successfully chased out Twilight Oger and was able to reset their operations deleted training arc -Originally, the few chapters before the Grand Magic Games arc would have actually been a training arc that would have allowed Fairy Tail train for three months or, in the case of the story, five months till the Grand Magic Games -Each character would have had an episode dedicated to them and their demons -Natsu would have had to overcome his anger fighting and his opposite, which at the time was Meredy. He would have had to accept the role he had taken -Mira would have had to overcome her failures on Tenrou Island by fighting the ghost of Azuma, the one opponent she couldn't defeat -Erza would have had to accept her past facing off against Jellal, accepting everything that had happened in their relationship and everything that he did during the Tower of Heaven arc -Gray would have had to accept the losses he's had while learning to appreciate his friends. This would have played into his relationship with Juvia as well -Lucy would have learned to summon two spirits by training with the celestial spirit king -Wendy would have had to overcome her abandonment issues and fears she had after the events of Tenrou Island -Juvia would have had to overcome her injury and face off against Meredy, accepting that she did, in fact, almost die -The main issues came when it came to characters such as Gajeel, Laxus, Cana, and any other characters that were going to be in the grand magic games -Most of the character moments would have been better in the actual arc, which led to more problems and the main reason that I ended up scrapping the arc I had planned Grand magic games arc -The original idea for this arc would have just been a fun tournament that Fairy Tail went to as a means of a break; however, as usual, the group is never allowed to take vacations -In another version where Fairy Tail was able to liberate Magnolia, Fairy Tail had left in order to train to get stronger. This also would have tied in with the training arc that was deleted -Crime Sorcière would have been the ones to request they partake in the games, which would have been the real start of the arc instead of the chapter titled 'Sabertooth.' -Dragon Tail originally didn't partake in the games and would have been replaced by the members of Twilight Oger -Laxus and Jura would have fought on the first day however, I wanted to give Jellal a fight against Jura cause I did like that fight in the original series despite how it ended -Erza would have fought Bacchus on the second day -There was supposed to be a flashback during the Elfman versus Bacchus fight however, I felt that this arc was already flashback-heavy as is, so it was turned into a smaller one -Mirajane versus Jenny wasn't going to happen at all, but I couldn't find another fight to replace it -Dragon tail versus Raven tail wouldn't have happened till the fourth day of the games, with Laxus and Gajeel taking on the entire team of Raven tail -Alternatively, Natsu and Wendy would have been the ones to fight Sting and Rogue on the fourth day -Jellal's encounter with Dornbolt wouldn't have happened until the fourth day, which would have been the cause of the team merging -The reason this idea was abandoned was that the team merging on the last day felt like too much of a cope out -Originally, the final day members would have been Natsu, Wendy, Gray, Erza, and Lucy (this was mainly to give Wendy and Sherria a rematch, which was the main reason it got cut) -Lucy would have been the one to fight Minvera with her signaling her out as the weak link and a way to get under Fairy tails skin -She would have used Urno Metra again here -Erza vs. Kagura would have lasted longer -In one version, Natsu and Laxus would have been the ones to fight Jura -In another version, Natsu and Gajeel vs. Sting and Rogue would have happened on the final day, being the last fight of the day (Laxus would have fought Jura by himself) -Natsu and Gajeel's dragon force was a last-minute Idea I got after watching the fight again for the millionth time, and someone in the comments stated that Natsu and Gajeel should have gone dragon force, which I thought was cool. Eclipse gate arc -Meredy originally would have hidden from Arcadios going to check out the eclipse gate after everything had gone down -In another version, due to Fairy Tail's victory, Darton would have overlooked Meredy's presence in the castle, though I felt that didn't make sense in the context of her character -The hungry wolf knights would have survived Ryos's attack and would have helped Fairy Tail with the gate -what Gray was doing during the first half of the arc -he and Juvia would have been in the medical room due to her condition, where they would have talked about what happened on Tenrou island -This was mainly cut cause I forgot to include it Tartaros arc -All of the nine demon gates would have appeared at the massacre at Era, with the main explosion being done by Jackel -Most of the council members would have survived Jackle's initial assault only to be killed by the other members of the demon gates, with all nine taking on Makarov -Dornbolt would have lost an eye in the assault -Cosmos would have been affected alongside Laxus and the Thunder Legion when the bane particles poisoned them -Natsu originally didn't fight Jackel -At first, I wanted it to be Sting, but I didn't think that match-up went well with the character. Then I thought of having Lucy fight him, but she had a big fight with Jackel later in the story, so I decided to stick with Natsu fighting him instead -Lyon and Sherria would have appeared when Gray and Juvia arrived in the village that was destroyed by Ezel, telling them that there were no survivors of the demon's assault -Meredy and Jellal's fight with the Oracion Seis -Originally, Meredy would have consumed Cobra's poison, becoming the poison snow dragon slayer, but I cut this cause I didn't like the concept, so in the end, I cut it -Jellal and Zeros' fight would have lasted a little longer with the pair talking about how brain used him -In one version, it would have been revealed that Midnight had been using an illusion of Zero in order to control if former guildmates, which Jellal shattered -Jellal's death -In the end, I left this up in the air, but originally, I meant to kill off for the activation of FACE. It still is on the table, but I wanted to see how it would affect the story -Anna would have arrived and stopped Zero and talked the Oracion seis into joining her and Meredy -Lucy would have sacrificed Capricorn instead of Aquarius to summon the celestial spirit king -I just realized this, but in an earlier chapter, Happy implies that he met Natsu and Lisanna prior to them meeting Mavis; however, this was retconned a long time ago, but I felt I should address it here -the length of time Natsu and Lisanna were separated from Mira and Elfman In one version, they would have been separated for two months, though that seemed to be a little much. -Mavis meeting Natsu, Mira, Lisanna, and Elfman -In one version, they would have been stealing from Magnolia for some time, in which she would investigate the matter herself. I imply in the story that the town they stole from was Magnolia, but in this one, they would have been doing it for a while -In another, an angry mob would have tried to attack Mira, but Mavis would have intervened and brought the children to her home -The reason I scrapped both of these ideas was cause I wanted to make their meeting seem less of a coincidence and more like fate that Mavis implied in chapter 175 -In one version, Riana would have been the one to fight Tempester as opposed to Cosmos. -Chapter 254 was cut from the story, but I noticed that chapter isn't fully explained in later episodes -Igneel and the other dragons would have all fought Acnologia -Mavis would have used the Law spell to destroy FACE before they activated -There would have been a scene between Natsu and Cana in the final chapter talking about Igneel and how he's doing since his death Alvarez arc -Lucy's return: In one version of the story, Lucy would have returned during the initial assault in Magnolia -Mavis and Zera's story was cut short; it was originally going to be three chapters -Bickslow's death, I wanted to kill a member of the thunder legion, eventually landing on Bickslow, but seeing as Laxus wasn't going to fight Wall, it wouldn't have matched up, seeing as he went off to fight God Serna -Mavis would have opened the fairy heart after the first battle as opposed to after Natsu woke up after the fight with Jacob -Natsu's change into E.N.D would have been more present; however, I wanted it to be a slow-burn thing that you overlook until it's called out -In the opening part of the final battle, Fairy Tail would have been surrounded until reinforcements arrived -The fate of Irene -It's left completely in the air whether or not she survived in one version, as I wanted to have her come back later, but I felt it would be more fitting for Ezra's character if she died -Another version would have her survive simply betraying Alvarez when she found Natsu and the other dragon slayers -August would not have been Zeref's biological son; instead, similar to Natsu, he would have been an adopted child. To make a link between Mavis's teaching vs. Zeref's teaching -Natsu would have fought August by himself, but let's be real: August has too much power to be someone beaten one-on-one. -The fight with Acnologia has several versions -In one, the dragon slayers and Anna would have planned to trap Acnologia in the time rift so they could fight him without the worry of hurting their friends -In another version similar to the show, Acnologa would be trapped in the time rift splitting in half, but this time, Sting and Rogue would have stayed out of the time rift to fight Acnologia while the dragon slayers fought his mind -The third origin would have taken Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Meredy's magic power permanently, though I settled on it being temporary, seeing as it was the end of the story -The dragon slayer's third origin forms were initially a last-minute decision. They would have simply used the third origin and entered their dragon force form -the ending -One version of the ending would have been the seen described in the final chapter, where Natsu and the entire team sit and watch the sunset where he and Lisanna raised Happy -Another one matched the series, having them go on the hundred-year quest -One version had Natsu Mira, Elfman, and Wendy leaving Magnolia in a similar manner to Edolas Wendy and Lisanna at the end of the Edolas arc - Fairy Tail didn't originally disband, or at least the way mentioned in the story, but I got the idea after watching Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and thought it would be an interesting point - the eighth-ranked wizard saint. I did intend on introducing him but forgot to include him in chapter 267, so I settled on him being dead -Natsu, Mira, and Erza joining the ten wizard saints they would have officially joined the ten wizard saints. The main reason this got cut cause I was unsure how it would be received |