Poll: Should I post the completed chapters for my story Amaterasu up, even if I'm not quite happy with them? Vote Now!
Author has written 24 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, One Piece, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Pokémon, and Toriko. Yo! InsaneScriptist is here and as my name says, I'm weird and enjoy it. Unlike my younger brother, I don't have an excuse as I didn't bust my head open on the coffee table when I was little. That said, maybe he is my excuse or at least a cause of stress. The rest of my insanity is a combination of being a dreamer with ADD. Anyway, I supposed to inform you of something, otherwise you wouldn't be looking at my profile. As of sometime in the summer of 2010, I turned 18. =) Sadly, when I graduate from college in 2014 I'll still only be 21 for a few more months. The rest of the information is on a need to know basis, and sadly, you don't need to know. XXXXXX This is me blathering. For my older fans (way older since I've realized that I've had this account for over half a decade since I ignored the age-rules for this site), in case you're wondering, I took out my old stories to edit them. When I was looking on the Internet for some inspirational pictures, I got a virus, got mad at the computer because the antivirius window was being annoying, and I somehow managed to flip the computer screen. I would like to point out that it still worked, but everything was as I said flipped and that I was young and stupid then. To get the screen back to normal, my older brother, who is normally excellent with computers, spent about three hours trying to get it back to normal and un-flipped. He became fed up with the computer and set the computer back to factory settings. So I lost the older stories, and all my pictures which when counted was over a thousand which made me really not only mad but also sad. After, that I was in a funk, and said, "I'll just read, not post." This was fine until we moved. I was still a minor then, and we got Internet via dial-up. Dial-up Internet was and still is very annoying. Then at a college prep summer program one year, I met a fellow fanfictionite, who convinced me to write again. Well to actually, post. I never really stopped writing since the characters in my head never stopped playing, which made me write to exorcise them. That said, I'll not post anything unless I'm happy with it, and my happy meter is a hard thing to fill at times. I could tell you about my favorite authors both on this site and actually published, but I won't. My fingers would fall off if I tried to write/type them all. I read a lot of stories, and rarely review so I understand if I don't get a lot. If you write a good story you can tell it's good, so you don't need to tell me about it. Reviews are great, but only if you're insecure or an ego-manic. Also, bugging me to update doesn't work. I said before that I'll only post if I'm happy and that sometimes doesn't happen easily. Flames are welcome, I'll use those to temper old and horrid work and forge it into something that is worthy to be read! Going on that vein, there are the stories where you read them, and they sound interesting, are interesting, and overall good with plot and details, but are horrible grammar-wise. My own grammar is not perfect and probably never will be, but it is readable. My grammar is however, much better than the 'stack' stories that the authors of them must have never found out what the enter key does. Other horrible stories that will never be published by me are the crazy, this-doesn't-make-any-sense stories, which I'll leave to other people to char to illegible ashes by those who do write those. XXXXXX Things I dislike about some stories: 1. Couples that don't make sense, and just because they're cute doesn't mean it would work. Personality clashes, conflicting schedules, peer pressure, ect. some should just never be together. That said if they are and the people are normally people who CANNOT even have a civil conversation are somehow getting married you know that someone is very OOC. Some OOC-ness is alright to have, but there are lines that should not be crossed. 2. Yuri and Yoai, in vast quantities, where everyone is gay, or the vast majority is. This is statistically impossible, but it's fanfiction. At least be interesting with your cast. 3. Self-inserts. A lot of them suck. Some of the more recent ones are better but still not my first choice to read. 4. Stories without a twist, or have a transparent plot. It ruins the ending if you can guess what's going to happen. Really it does. If your OC has a sob story and is looking for revenge, I don't want to know who your OC is gunning for until they say it or get it. Really, I have read a 15-chapter story where the OC was looking to avenge her family by killing Hyuuga Hiashi. I knew this by chapter two. The OC didn't until chapter thirteen. 5. Stories that don't explain why this character does this or that or anything in between. They need a reason, motivation can be any of the following: revenge, love, anger, sorrow, grief, joy, drunkenness, stupidity, even a whim! Seriously, you need a reason otherwise you'll just be narrating action. 6. High-school fics. Enough said. You get enough drama in life without looking for teen angst. 7. Stories that involve knights and such where the characters have no reason to be a knight or king. Yes, I'm looking at the Naruto fandom. Most good writers know better, but we still have the desperate writer who thinks that this is good. I especially dislike where the heroine is always the damsel-in-distress. You have to imagine that they'd get sick of being molly-cottoned, and coddled, and pampered and getting everyone in danger all the time. I'd get sick of myself if I was like that. Also, knights on their dashing white stallion who feel sorry for their fallen enemies do not exist. That's not going to happen since it goes against human nature. 8. Stories in first person point of view that switch characters -a lot. I get confused about which character I am reading from if it is not apparent within the first three sentences of a POV change. Even if they switch between a few characters and they have noticeable breaks to differentiate between them you're still interrupting the flow of the story. If you write a story like that, stay to one character or point out exactly who is who by having a difference in how they view things. Like nice and subtly or write smaller chapters and have each character have their own opinion on the action that occurred in that chapter. This is because saying 'insert name' POV, 'insert other name' POV and 'Normal' POV gets in the way of the story. Also to remind everyone that did manage to fail high school English 'normal' POV doesn't exist. POV is from a character's thoughts and actions. Unless this character is omniscient and omnipotent, the author is writing from a third person limited or third person omniscient. 9. Stories that don't make any sense, no matter how many times you re-read it. Really, these do happen and I go WTF? 10. Stories that have a huge cast of awesome characters but only describe them once or twice. This makes me confused about which character you just killed or who is plotting what to whom. 11. Stories that doesn't have anything interesting going on. If it's going to put me asleep, hit the alarm and turn it ON! Write dynamically! Use advanced vocabulary -make it interesting! Vamp up the damn plot! 12. Is when it's written in English dub form. This is especially when we all know what the Japanese means like Kage Bushin no Jutsu! Yes, I'm writing on most anime/manga here and picking on Naruto. Fanfiction is not for newbies. It's okay to guide a few on which is what on occasion but I don't want to hear all about the basics again, and again, and again every single first chapter for a story I read or have a character described for me again and again. It is very much annoying. XXXXXX Things I do like: 1. Good couples, that could have a decent relationship, and met in a decent way. Hello! This is fanfiction, you could make a couple that wouldn't make sense in the original series, AU people! You could have enemies as lovers, after all, they make strange bedfellows. 2. Decent relationships, I don't like the unrequited love thing, make a move, enjoy your life. Be bold! That said, make sure the relationship would work in the first place and write out the romance instead of insta-fall-in-love after character A confesses/makes a move/does some action to character B. 3. Are some highly developed OCs. I would so like to steal them because they're that awesome and actually have character! 4. Stories where you have to pay attention or you'll miss something. That said mystery is an awesome genre, that should never be read in one setting. This is a hint to my readers as I will hint at some things and somethings aren't hinted at for the shock and blindside value. 5. Stories where you ride with the character, OC, or not, where you can really get a look at their workings. If you can't read their minds, so what? Read their actions! Or use another character and examine the character, see what that character sees! This is pretty hard to find actually... 6. Really good research for information. If you're going to post a story, do the research, learn some interesting facts and use them. There are a few excellent ones out there that do this, like Embers by Vathara. 7. Political espionage, murder and mayhem. It makes things so much more interesting. Power corrupts, so lets see how. 8. Partial omni-perspective, leave some things a mystery. It is a plot-devise. Use it! 9. Stories that make sense the first time you read them, and have a nice, fully fledged plot. 10. Good description of surroundings, people, fights, conflicts and personalities. Otherwise they might be in la-la land with dancing toadstools. And a normally staid and solid person could be a party animal. 11. Well paced events, in a nice order, and if you are going to flash back have a nice transitory. 12. IF you are writing a story about a manga/anime, good use of Japanese words, and with a translation available at the side or at the end of the chapter. Hell even a good translation of the words in whatever foreign language you choose to type a phrase or something in could be added. You can even put it in italics. Comprende? XXXXXX My favorite anime/manga series. Ongoing Series: Bleach, Naruto (Although after a point, both Bleach and Naruto have seemed to turn for the worst) One Piece, Toriko, Fairy Tail, The Gamer, Black Joke, Hunter X Hunter, and others. Finished Series: Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Death Note. Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Rave Master, Shaman King, Air Gear. Blue Seed. Classic Series: Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon and DBZ. Obscure Series: Outlaw Star, Gungrave. XXXXXX My list of Profile Updates and Notices 08-31-10: It has been a while. I found several spelling mistakes in this profile and am embarrassed by them. While, I still have my Naruto stories written out pretty far, I'm just not happy with the chapters. Really, if they don't pass the 'happy' test, they get revised, revised, and out and out re-done. There have been several plot complications that need some filling and straightening out. Then the bad luck that seems to want to wreck my story, which I now don't have to deal with since I no longer have a little brother able to annoy me, fuck up the computer or delete my back-ups of the chapters. There is a bonus to going to a college 12 hours away, including the need for secrecy/privacy which neither of my brothers respect. I need that when typing. Need that! 11-09-10: I got annoyed and finally cleaned this page up. Yay! XD 10-29-11: I am wondering if I should post some chapters up for Amaterasu up even if I'm not happy with them... I'm going to set up the poll then. 5-14-12: I edited a few things on my profile. Nothing drastic, but a few errors that I didn't care about or catch so that this can look more professional. That and I can't sleep. College changes how harshly you grade on grammar. DX 5-20-12: The line breaks have disappeared on my profile. I put them back up and then found that they weren't there. So I improvised. 7-3-12: To my fans of BV, I meant to post Chapter 25 today -sorry. The chapter is not working out well enough to be 'happy' with it. Even after several re-writes. 11-12-12: Just realized how disjointed BV can be at times. Hope to work through all the edits by Christmas -or at least new years. 2-16-13: Finally got around to posting BV Chapter 25. The chapter only took ten complete re-writes and hours upon hours of editing. I'm thinking that I should do the same on my other stories, but they have a different feel to them and require a different mindset. I will ponder this further. 4-1-13: Posted BV Chapter 26 in the wee hours of morning. Feel like it (chapter 25) should have more reviews... but then I wasn't writing for them in the first place. They are nice though. I have resolved to finish BV and then work on my other stories and maybe post some ideas that I had written out. Wish me discipline and diligence in doing so. 9-21-14: Been posting a few gnawing plot bunnies up recently. Been trying to work on BV but it's slow going. It's lost direction and my writing style has matured. I'm thinking about a redo from scratch but maybe later. Also fixed a few things on my profile as my grammar is as horrible as ever. 9-24-14: Been attacked by a plunny that's a Xanxus fan. It tangled with my One Piece bunny and mutated. It isn't relenting and demands a drabble series. Will post more on Birds of a Feather and Changeling after. It's a very demanding plunny. |
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