Author has written 30 stories for Harry Potter, Loveless, and Fairy Tail. Hello! I'm an over 30 year-old French mom who loves reading. I studied English for 5 years at university and chose primary school teaching as work. Sorry in advance for mistakes and not-quite-good English in my writing. I've registered on as a HP fan. I absolutely adore JK Rowling's masterpiece. Here a few thoughts on the matter: Harry is too much impulsive, arrogant and lucky for my taste but still, he grew up during the books and that redeemed him (not entirely, mind you) in my eyes. I like Ron. Really. He is the epitomy of impulsiveness but he is honest and true to his heart. He has his faults - who doesn't? - but I still like him. And Hermione and Ron would definitely not have worked out in real life. But, hey!, I'm not the author, am I? So, I didn't get to choose. Draco has potential for so much more and I regret his character hadn't been dealt with more. I would have appreciated an in-depth input. But well, let's face it, we have fanfic for this ! Severus Snape shouldn't have died alone in the shrieking shack. I will never, ever accept such a shameful end for this character. I've hated it the first time I've read it, I still hate it today. Probably would until I die. After over a decade however, I've begun to get attached to other works. Recently, I've stumbled on Loveless and fell in love with it. I'm very taken with the characters and writing suddenly became necessary again. I had forgotten the feeling of a story nagging until it was far too late to work properly the following day... I'm really having a lot of fun writing them so do not expect any HP-related post anytime soon. It's not gonna happen. I consider Soubi as Ritsuka's real Fighter. They are good to each other and they need each other. Soubi makes him smile and Ritsuka makes him live. Sure, the road will be hard and full of hazards but they belong to each other. I won't write anything less. Thanks for reading. Cheers. Halbarath. |