Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. *June 28, 2014* I just got the most lovely review from a guest reviewer named Bree asking a really interesting question about Potter vs. Malfoy and since I can't PM her back, I'm answering the question here. Yes, Bree, I do read all my reviews and am grateful to all my reviewers for reading and enjoying the fics, so first of all, thank you for your review! Bree's question was: "In the "future" how did Harry defeate Voldemort without the use of Blaise's Blood? Why was her blood the only answer?" I always imagined that the alternative future, the one Harry and his friends witnessed, the solution wasn't Blaise's blood. Or rather, they found an alternative. My feeling was always something akin to the Horcruxes, where Harry and Voldemort had their final showdown in a more traditional way. Because I wrote this before Horcruxes were something we fans knew anything about, it never occurred to me to explore that avenue. The actual defeat of Voldemort, with the use of Blaise's blood, might have been the "only way" as far as they knew, but they would have had different information and a definite sensitivity to Blaise's gifts, based on their interaction with the alternative future. My feeling about it was that, although they forgot most of what they saw as they moved down that different timeline, they would have had a subconscious awareness of what they learned about that future (and what they learned didn't include much about Voldemort's defeat), and central to their alternative universe experience was the fact that Blaise was the Grail. That's what Blaise's research focused on and although she and Hermione would have tried looking into other options, they might also simply have lacked knowledge about Voldemort they would have needed to find alternatives. Also, as you may have noticed that Harry, Blaise, Draco, Ginny, et. al. are a bunch of dramatic hormonal teens _ They're bound to be a bit like, "Let's take the most dramatic path possible - swoon!" Did that help ... at all? Feel free, Bree, to PM me with further questions ... * 25 December 2012* Merry Christmas, everyone! Pushed it a little late in the day but my annual Christmas fic has been posted! In celebration of my tenth anniversary of writing Christmas fics and the fifth anniversary (year, at least) after the completion of Bend It Like Weasley, I thought I'd combine the two into a Bend It Christmas fic. So, introducing Never Alone, A Bend It Like Weasley Christmas Story. Merry Christmas!! Hugs, J.T. *3 January 2012*
Thanks again, so much, for all the lovely reviews for Christmastime is Here. I read them all and they warm my heart. A little Christmas gift for ME _ Hugs! J.T. *25 December 2011 * Hello all: It's been a year since my last fic update. I miss the days of fix writing but am hoping that at least the Christmas fics will continue for years to come! Christmas Time is Here is my 2011 installment. Hope you all enjoy a slight departure from my usual ships. Hugs, all! Thanks again for sticking with me! J.T. 18 May 2010 Hello again: Oh, my god. It's done. Bend It Like Weasley is done. It is done. I'm in shock. Not only that, but the epilogue, final chapter, has been posted on the seventh anniversary of the first chapter being posted. Seven years is a long time. I can't thank my readers and reviewers enough for keeping me going, nagging for updates, and encouraging me to finish my work. Here's your reward and mine _ Hope you all enjoy!! Oh, and since I'll be heading in an original fic direction, I'll probably be focusing a lot more closely on my Live Journal (). Anyone interested in silliness and probably short fiction and POSSIBLY excerpts/out-takes from Bend It Like Weasley should check that out. Loves! J.T. P.S. So sorry to those of you who got multiple update notices by email. I had to reload the chapter several times to get the date to come out properly (see the author's note for explanation). It's 's fault for lack of time zone recognition _ Problem solved!!!! 6 July 2008 A note to thank deeply the people who've reviewed "What It Means to Let You Go." You guys are amazing - truly, profoundly amazing. Thanks so much for the lovely encouraging reviews. I'm sorry I made a few people cry _ I cried, too, if it's any consolation. Just a thankful shout-out. I write for you! Yeah, I plan to write more in that universe, so not to worry! Tristy/Hayden, for sure, some earlier stuff when Harry's still alive, etc. If anyone has specific requests, I'll look into them and get back to you. Just leave them in messages or reviews. I read all my reviews. Anyway who's interested, I've also got a Live Journal while I'm abroad in South Korea. It's meant to be silly and amusing, not boring and filled with "oh, what a beautiful new world I've discovered" crap. More along the lines of "today I went to hospital and was embarrassed within an inch of my life" skits. Or the fated, "today I thought I'd lost my passport and was in hysterics till I found it in a purse I'd already emptied" skits. In fact, mostly skits. I'd love to have my readers there with me as well _ It's at . Loves! J.T Current stati (is that the plural for status?) of WIP stories are as of 16 September 2010: Emmett Cullen vs. the (Immortal) World: A new venture into Twilight (never thought I would go there!) with coauthor Anastasiathewriter. Bend It Like Weasley: COMPLETE as of 18 May 2010. Hope you all enjoy it! Potter vs. Malfoy: Bridging The Gap: COMPLETE. Chapter 6 new and improved as of 8 April 2009 and off-shoot fic What It Means to Let You Go now up, too! The Joke's On You: COMPLETE! Chapter 5 up as of 31 August 2007. Sometimes, I Even Amaze Myself: is UPDATED and on FictionAlley as of 17 November 2006. Check it out under my username, Tess_E_Pooh or see the link in the BTG opening chapter! Having said all of this, I hope each of you have found information that my alleviate your - er, anxiety (?) re: updates. Love, JT I'd hate for you to waste your time trying to figure out which genres/pairings I write for, so here's the low down: Harry Potter - Gotta love him! I deal in: Ron/Mione. All my stories have them, even if they're on the side somewhere and/or I write pre-Ron/Mione romance. It'll eventually come back to Ron/Hermione, and we all know it. 16 Feb - this is now no longer true, thanks to Bend It. But it did feature FORMER R/H, so I think it sorta still counts! Gin/Draco.Honestly, the best written fics are Ginny/Harry. Admit it, Ginny/Draco is too surreal and unlikely. However, I write it anyway, to please myself and some of my more rabid Ginny/Draco shippers. Gotta admit, they're a striking couple . . . Harry/Blaise Zabini (female). Harry can't have Ginny (except in my earlier crap fics) but he CAN have Blaise. They'd look awfully dramatic together, wouldn't they? Again, a bit surreal and unlikely, but who's counting? On another note, I very much enjoy a male Blaise Zabini (which is canon, you know), so some of my fics feature him as well. This may get confusing, but it's fairly obvious which gender is featured in each separate fic. NOTE: One of my stories DOES include mild slash. You have been warned. Authors to read: Lee Velviet Davesmom (!) Silver Phoenix - Her BRILLIANT spoofs have been removed from along with thousands of reviews from her FU fans. Go to her website and read the spoofs,I tell you! Also read ALL HER WORK on , because it ROCKS! Ron/Hermione fans - you will LOVE this girl! Casca - A WONDERFUL author I'd recommend to anyone who gets kick out of really powerful, GOOD writing. Like me. Even though she, like me, has updating issues, she is definitely worth the wait and very good at plot advancement and characterization. GO READ HER STUFF - she's here on . Serendipity - this author not only writes a good story, but she WRITES well. I could probably read any pairing if she wrote it. This one is gifted with words! Go read "A Muted Sort of Longing". Maya - She's not on , that I know of, but she IS on , archived in Schnoogle. She is the only author to convince me that Draco/Harry is even a remotely possible ship and certainly one of the only authors to coax me into loving it. In fact, I love everything she has written and, like Serendipity's work, will read ANYTHING Maya writes because she is pure, pure genius. She's all over FictionAlley and has her own website with goodies galore. Dark humor, darkness, and the best Draco characterization you will find ANYWHERE - that's a promise! PhoenixSong - Can't say enough about this AMAZING chica. She's written a smashing piece on FictionAlley called "Eclipse". Read and enjoy a truly excellent writer's incredible first epic. (Latest) Fave quote: "He said, 'Can I come in? I bring you tidings of great joy and it isn't even Christmas.' |
Evadne (6) Funkiechick (24) Fyrie (121) Imogen (11) Incitata (13) | Jess.91 (98) Kittenmommy (67) Lady Norbert (40) Lee Velviet (16) Len (44) Marmalade Fever (34) | Mystica (4) RedBlaze1 (0) sasori (0) Shakespeare's Muse (16) Silvver Phoenix (10) |