Poll: Who is the girl in their relationship? Jack or Ianto? Vote Now!
Author has written 135 stories for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Harry Potter, Naruto, Loveless, Merlin, High School Musical, Get Real, Chronicles of Narnia, Chuck, Queer as Folk, Junjō Romantica, Lewis, Brothers & Sisters, Glee, and Smallville. Name: Buckbeak (yes I do get called that. Well, Beaky. And sometimes Witherwings) Sex: Female. For the pic that sort of goes with Moonyholic go to (my homepage) and go on the toilet signs pic. Or just go there to laugh at my work. And I'm sorry to anyone that used to submit anonymous reviews to my story but I'm getting sick of people telling me I'm sick and wrong so I've got rid of them. Thank-you to all the people who review anonymously but kindly. I hope you create an account some day and continue to review. :) OOOOOO This is my update list. I'll try and update stories in this order. As soon as a story gets an update, it gets moved to the bottom of the list. Simple, huh? I also keep getting jumped by one-shots so they might sneak their way in every now and again. -o- I thought I'd make a list of all my Gareth universe fics and pop them in the right order so they're nice and easy to find. Aren't I nice? |
afrancis (2) aprilhope (69) bloff (33) Bramblerose4 (198) Cheryl Dyson (125) darkalbino (67) faithwood (47) Godeyes Geller (4) | Hobbit985 (53) htdcd (24) Lassenby (16) Mara Greengrass (293) michelerene (29) owenluver (11) QuincePaste (9) Raven Sky Costello (14) redbull07 (3) | RosesBud (10) Ru-salki99 (0) SCMN (0) Scout Girl (27) Thenerdswillwin (0) you-need-imagination (13) |
Community: | Jack/Ianto stories |
Focus: | TV Shows Torchwood |