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![]() Author has written 2 stories for W.I.T.C.H., and Naruto. Quotes some of which are borrowed from MewWitch: "I'm too young too die!" "I'm not, but I still don't want to."-Avatar:The Last Airbender "There's no one way to dance. And that's kind of my philosophy about everything."-Ellen DeGeneres "What did I tell you about calling your sister the Devil?" "It's...offensive to the Devil?"-That's 70's Show "Way to go Dumbass!-That's 70's Show "You two sons of two bitches!"-That's 70's Show "I said good day!"-That's 70's Show "A cheese graiter?" "Kids love cheese. It's like Playdough to them."-That 70's Show "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how loud you yell at the TV set."-Reader's Digest "It's useless to hold a person to anything he says when he's in love, drunk or running for office."-Shirley MaClain "Angry, young, and broke."- My shirt "If I'm still sane by the time I finish their training, it'll be a miracle."-Naruto "I've seen a lot of strange things in my life, but this one takes the cake."-Naruto "You know, compared to the others, you're a little bit weird."-Naruto "I wish I could just invent something that would eat up three months of my life." "Summer school, trust me."-The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius "Aw guys, 8th place isn't so bad." "Carl! There were only seven acts!"-The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius "At least the bunnies are on fire."-Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends "You have won my pity."-Xiaolin Showdown "Three-second-rule!"-Xiaolin Showdown "They're ready to rip each other apart, and you wanna arm them?!?!"-Xiaolin Showdown "You need not twist my foot." -Xiaolin Showdown "What Omi did to that sentence is what we're gonna do to you."-Xiaolin Showdown "I'm not all that comfortable talking to a girl like this." "I am not a girl! I'm a 1500 year old evil spirit!"-Xiaolin Showdown "Jack you little groupie! If I had a stomach, I'd hurl."-Xiaolin Showdown "Evil boy genius eh?" "Hey! Who else would be smart enough to cheat on an I.Q. test?"-Xiaolin Showdown "We are most lucky that Master Fung does not believe in Corporal Punishment."-Xiaolin Showdown "I order you to spill your internal organs!" "WHAT KIND OF SICK PEOPLE ARE YOU!" "Dude, I think he means 'spill your guts'."-Xiaolin Showdown "He made bad slang an Art form."-Xiaolin Showdown "Flying's nice. Falling stinks."-Danny Phantom "Watch where you're pointin' that thing."-Danny Phantom "Wow. Pretty much everyone who hates me at one table. Just like High School."-Danny Phantom "If I wasn't a C student, I would have thought of that 4 days ago." -Danny Phantom "Tucker's right. Hospitals suck." -Danny Phantom "...And...I've never seen so many Goths out in broad daylight."-Danny Phantom "You got a problem with jumpsuits!" "Jack, let me handle this. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH JUMPSUITS!" -Danny Phantom "How is it that I am the one with ghost powers, and you're the weird kid?"-Danny Phantom "Meat! Why have you betrayed me!"-Danny Phantom "I call the fun Danny!"-Danny Phantom "This, however, borders on sarcasm.-Danny Phantom "When I look at you, I see my own "F"."-Danny Phantom "Fun is relative."-Danny Phantom "Then you need to get out more." "And you need to stay in more."-Danny Phantom "I'm not nuts. I'M NOT NUTS!" "How sweet. That's what you said when you proposed to me." "And you still said yes. WHO'S NUTS NOW?!?"-Danny Phantom "Don't think this means I won't be keeping an eye on you Fenton." "Don't think this means you won't have too."-Danny Phantom "Hello. Not an idiot. See ya."-Danny Phantom "I've gotta stop doing that."-Danny Phantom "For the record, I blame you."-Danny Phantom "I don't accessorize well."-Danny Phantom "Bring some new jokes."-Danny Phantom "That's Vlad for you. Subtle as a flying mallet."-Danny Phantom "Regular people sweat. Us Goths, we simmer."-Danny Phantom "I'd tell you to go to the Men's Room, but I don't think you qualify."-Danny Phantom "Down boy. Don't eat that. It's a vegetarian." -Danny Phantom "Bon appitite-whites Fenton."-Danny Phantom "Boxers or briefs?" "None of your business."-Danny Phantom "Get it?" "Got it." "Good."-Danny Phantom "'Cause a car smashing into the 28th floor of anything, is bad!"-Danny Phantom "Yo hallucinations, focus please!" -Danny Phantom "Tucker's right. Hospitals suck."-Danny Phantom "I AM THE BOX GHOST!" "Hello misplaced aggression." "You've got five minutes." "That's four more than I need."-Danny Phantom "You have now stooped to my level. Thank you for shopping Fenton-Mart."-Danny Phantom "Hang on kids, Daddy's coming!" "Jack, where did you get that ghost weapon?" "I'd...um...I'd rather not say."-Danny Phantom "If you need us, we'll be over here, doing the 'Glad-I'm-an-only-child' dance"-Danny Phantom [Laughing "Are you done yet?" "No." [Laughing-Danny Phantom "Human contact. Crushing Goth indifference."-Danny Phantom "What a totally suprising, unexpected, and unplanned event. Personlized gift baskets?"-Danny Phantom "Oh, and as a lonely single man in his 40's, might I suggest internet dating, or a cat."-Danny Phantom "And I will NOT get a cat!"-Danny Phantom "Either Mom needs to shave her legs, or this is really bad news."-Danny Phantom "It's my new friends. Angry boy and Uncle lazy."-Avatar: The last Airbender "Oh honey, what are you doing? These guys don't use doors."-The Mummy Returns "Oh, I hate mummies." "Bet you're glad to see me now." "Eup. Just like old times."-The Mummy Returns "This...was...my first...bus ride."-The Mummy Returns "I am in mourning for my ass."-The Mummy Returns "Honey, you're not very subtle." "We don't have time for subtle."-The Mummy Returns "By putting this on you've started a chain of events that could unleash the next aphocalips." [Alex gasps. Rick points to Ardeth"You, lighten up." [Rick points at Alex."You, big trouble." [Rick points at Jonathan. "You, get in the car."-The Mummy Returns "You broke it. You broke it. You broke it." "Be quiet Alex. If there's going to be any hysterics, it's going to come from me."-The Mummy Returns "I'd rather just record it and watch it later in slow motion."-The Crow "It can't rain all the time."-The Crow "I guess you and I are just two different types of student." "I hope so, for your sake."-Smallville "So...a flying car.. is that what you're gonna go with?"-C.S.I. "The great thing about a fantasy is the possibility that it might come true. When you lose that, it kinda sucks."-C.S.I. "This case doesn't exist. And neither do I." "Then how do you explain me?"-C.S.I. Miami "My Mom was a cheerleader. So was my Aunt. Figured it was time to break the vicious cycle."-Smallville "Bad Clarkie." "We're NOT naming the dog Clarkie!"-Smallville "I am the villain of the story."-Smallville "Have I done something in the recent past to offend you?" "There's so many ways I could answer that Dad."-Smallville "Don't give me the 'You're-so-pathetic' look." "This isn't the 'You're-so-pathetic' look. This is the 'I-can't-believe-you-lied-to-your-best-friend' look. This is the 'You're-so-pathetic' look. See, comes with a head shake."-Ned's Declassifyed Guild to School Survival "Your results may vary."-Ned's Declassifyed Guild to School Survival "What are you doing? You know I'm still dating Loomer." "Well, ya know, this would be one of those innoccent victory kisses. They do it all the time in Europe."-Ned's Declassifyed Guild to School Survival "10 superheros on that stupid watch and you had to pick the one with the flaming butt!"-Ben 10 "This would be so cool, if it weren't so-not cool."-Ben 10 "Vision? What do you know about my vision? My vision would turn your world upside down, tear asunder your illusions and send the sanctuary of your own ignorance crashing down around you. Now ask yourself, are you really ready to see that vision?"-The Boondocks Mottos (I can't pick just one): "Violence just got a little more random!"-Malcolm in the Middle "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."-Phyllis Diller "I'm my father. Oh my god! I was trying so hard to not be my mother, that I didn't see this comming."-Friends "It's reason's like this that explains why YOU'RE ROTTING IN HELL!"-Friends Gomen, but I've got to go and help MewWitch clean up the stack of books she knocked over. Laters XP |