Author has written 1 story for Lord of the Rings. Heya-ho! This hasn't been updated in quite a while, but as a lot of plot bunnies left me I came here rather rarely. By now I'm studying (Medieval Studies) at a university in Germany. I've been writing fanfic for about six years now, mostly about the Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillion, which I love, and the Elenium and Tamuli trilogies by David Eddings (which I love just as much, but in a different way. A good part of this is probably the fact that one of my few absolutely favourite characters comes from these books. To all the Eddings fanfic writers out there: Anyone around that cares a bit for Sarabian?) Unfortunately I started a lot and am working on it, but finished litte, so with all the university stuff around it might take a while before anything new is up. I'm very very sorry my story here's been on a break for so long, but I just had to cut down on a lot of things, and writing was one of them. (Besides, if the writing of a story stretches over such a long time, you start to dislike the first half before you even really got to the second.) Well, I'm working on it. So far, and Merin sa haryalye alasse! /I wish you joy/ Draugwen |