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Joined 11-03-17, id: 9938755, Profile Updated: 12-23-24
Author has written 1 story for X-Men: Evolution.

My story, Whatever happened to the Brotherhood, is a homage to the fanfics I read as a 12, 13 year old. All in good fun is right. Brotherhood Evolution felt like somehow the Simpson's writers were writing the X-men, and seeing as I was an emo outcasted back then, I couldn't help but side with the Brotherhood over the X-geeks. The writer Descendent didnt finnish the sequel, and all in all I basically forgot all about it, until X-men 97. So my story takes up on Descendent's stories, for some reason the writer seemed invested in Todd and Wanda, which, I never understood, but he was a fanatic about Lancitty, which I supported then ten thousand percent and might now still, reading my story. It was his idea to make Blob a church man, which I think was a great idea for the character, so I decided to pick up on that. My story is basely loosed in all the stories I read twenty years ago, which meant a lot to me back then. I also put in a little from the comics, what I think matters best and what worked at the moment the most. I also ended up referencing a smut story I read on , were Kitty dumps Lance like hot garbage -he acted, there, like hot garbage. I liked the way the story was written and I detested thinking that all Lance was as a selfish, insecure bastard. So I took matters to my own hands I guess.

The title is inspired in the nostalgic comics around Batman and Superman, it broke my heart to think that no one remembered the Brotherhood, and I hoped I could do a nice reference to the stories Descendent wrote like literally twenty years ago.

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