Author has written 10 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, and Dark Souls.
[10/10/2015: It happens with all of us eventually - it's time to move on. I've cleaned out my stories, leaving only the ones I still find palatable. I will slowly but surely finish Red Mirror, and that will very likely be the end of my run here on FFN. I will always have this site, and you guys, to thank for part of my journey as a writer. I will always be grateful for the feedback I received on my stories here, as well as the friendships formed with fellow writers. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. -DC]
Have not lost a thing
Whatever may come
The light of hope is always shining there in your heart
You've not lost a thing
Whatever you do
Just know that your tomorrow will be waiting for you
The Light of Hope, Sonic Forces
To my continued surprise and excitement, some people have been inspired to do artwork (...or translations, or fanfiction-fanfiction... the gang's all here XD) based on my stories! The least I can do is link back and try to share what they've done. Thanks so much guys! Sorted newest to oldest.
Survivor's Resolve stuff
Resolute Will (by Soulfully Sadistic) - a fanfiction that takes place in Meka Tower, based during the events of SR! If you like Sonic-Lucas interactions and the general vibe of intensity that came with that part of the story, you'll probably like this too; it's a good read so far. Give it a spin!
German translation (by Tikal on the Sega-club forums) - the first eight chapters are complete so far!
So... Helpless (by CharlesBulbmin) - a heartbreaking but adorable picture of Sonic and Tails, while Sonic is fighting Eggman in the cave.
Refraction (by Speedy1236) - a beautiful depiction of a moment from the story's finale.
Reunited (by NessaCity and Sonicspeed5) - one of the happiest moments in the story, from chapter 31.
These Bars (by NessaCity and Sonicspeed5) - from near the end of chapter 12. Watch your click if stuff bugs you easily.
The Aftermath (by LightningChaos2010), with SR logo - beautiful and heartbreaking work right here. Currently the story cover!
Survivor's Resolve logo on its own (by LightningChaos2010) - it's just full of win.
Knuckles saving Sonic from falling off the fortress (by SONICFAN11LUV) - a drawing of a scene in chapter 33.
Colored version of below (by Sockmonkey145) - the unbreakable bond given more life through color.
Can You See Me? drawing inspired by Survivor's Resolve chapter 17 (by Sonicspeed5) - they're with each other in spirit!
Undestined Future stuff
Series poster (by Sonicspeed5) - drawing that captures the essence of the series!
Faster Than You Think drawing (by Sonicspeed5) - Sonic and Tails.
A New Hero Rises 'screenshot' (by xXStoryWolfXx) - Sonic trapped in Eggman's base.
Hyper Tails from Beyond the Chaos (by Sonicspeed5) - colored pic of Tails looking determined in his advanced form.
Tails asleep on a lilypad (by magenta-oranges) - what Tails felt like doing in chapter 12 of Beyond the Chaos. xD
RECOMMENDATIONS (listed alphabetically)
Trying to spread support around for other writers a bit! This little area is for what are my personal favorite Sonic stories! Sometimes I like a story to the point where I feel the need to tell the world why, even if just briefly. Like any story, none of 'em are perfect, but enjoying them and getting immersed in their plots and characterization is enough for me. Maybe you'll like them too. I strongly encourage you to give any of these a read, and even put a list of your own favorite stories (with reasons) up on your profile! We need to spread the love and support the works of literature around us, yeah? :)
Bruised by bradhadair12 - a wonderful take on the final battle of Sonic 2006. Even if you don't like the game, this is most definitely worth a read. Fantastic narrative from Sonic's perspective, and great battle scene.
Hydrophobia by tiacat11 - just what it sounds like. A oneshot diving into Sonic's fear of water, even giving it a backstory, while keeping him in character. Authentic and heartwarming.
Kidnapped by tiacat11 - this story pulled me in because of its spot-on characterization, an admirable portrayal of Sonic (along with Tails and Cream) and some well done 'dark' scenes.
Letting Go of Hope by Comix28 - great story, and all the characters are handled quite well. A nice amount of focus on what's going on in characters' heads, especially Sonic, which I love.
Life could have been so different by Taranea - one of the few Shadow stories that kept me. Great character and a very believable take on what happened on ARK 50 years ago - this became part of my mental canon unintentionally, that's how good it is. Touching, dramatic, and funny.
Mutant Body, Mobian Heart by The Mysterious Traveller - I just got lost in this story when I read it, with its elegant wording, character interactions and heavy emotion. It gripped me incredibly. Great Tails and SatAm story; very moving.
One Look by ZehHyperactiveAuthor - a short, somewhat AU story with a remarkable take on Sonic, further magnified by the other character's realizations about his attitude. Sometimes it's the captured that sets the captor free instead of the other way around. ;) This story gave me chills.
Only Yesterday by Ardil the Traveller - good storyline and dialogue. Different and fresh. For some reason I always remembered this story after first reading it - it's one of those reads that made me nostalgic to read it again years after I thought I'd forgotten about it.
Panacea by dib07 - thick with plot and emotion and challenge - not for the faint of heart. Wondrous character interaction that almost becomes family-like, delicious descriptions, and a distinctive, graceful kind of writing.
Pretence by dib07 - great action that never seems to stop, and a wonderful message about the value of freedom and friendship. A very raw, honest story. Fluent descriptions and an overall gripping read.
Prophecy by Asher Tye - the first Sonic fanfiction I ever read, back when it was called Silver Fox. I still love it. Stuck with me for some reason. One of the few SatAm based stories that kept me reading.
Rising Star by JudasFm - an adorable and heart-wrenching story of Tails and Sonic's first adventures together. Action-packed, funny and inspiring. I tend to forget it's an adaptation of Sonic 2.
Secrets of the Emeralds by JudasFm - probably one of the most well-known Sonic stories of its time, and for good reason. Superb dialogue, precious and memorable characterization, and wonderful touches of wit. Feels like a Sonic story... if a bit dark in tone later on. Absolutely thrilling and captivating read.
Shadow: Transcending Lifetimes by Child at Heart Forever - an emotional and introspective oneshot that captures a heartwarming instance of character development for Shadow - and does a naturally great job at portraying other characters in the process, too. Wonderfully executed.
Sonic Concepts by Exploder - intriguing plot that makes humans a more integral part of things, and good characterization. It's like Sonic X, except for more well done and more mature. Lots of Sonic and Tails.
Sonic Concepts 2 by Exploder - great character development, moral conflict, and action. Does everything a sequel should do. (Read it even if you didn't read the first yet.) Fantastic story, especially for Tails fans, but Sonic fans too.
The Wind In The Abyss by Speedy1236 - a thorough exploration of characters (particularly Sonic and Knuckles) that is full of meaning, great defining moments, and an undeniable grasp of the characters' personalities. It's one of those stories that feels like it could have happened in a canon, and fits in pretty seamlessly.
Unleashing Sonic: Story Mode by Child at Heart Forever - an adaptation full of charming character and wit and excitement. It's thorough and fills out the content of this already-loveable game.
I really like Sonic himself, I think he's pretty awesome actually, and his characterization and arc will always be central to any story I write. My content and characterization is canon-adjacent (game-canon) but leans somewhat darker than canon. I usually write adventures which include character development, Adventure-era backstory, and a few dark turns. Occasionally cheesy as hell, but would it be Sonic if it wasn't?
I also used to be tediously long-winded and that reflects in some of my work. Looking back, I really appreciate the folks that stuck around even admist some pretty glaring flaws. It was a good run.