Author has written 73 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Misc. Plays/Musicals, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Stargate: Atlantis, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Doctor Who, Mass Effect, NCIS, Supernatural, Star Wars, Welcome to Night Vale, Avengers, Mandalorian, Legend Of Vox Machina, Dungeons and Dragons, and Portal. Hello! I'm Celtic Knot, or CeeKay for short. I'm 33, married, and mom to a rambunctious small child. I started writing fan fiction in high school, and I've been doing so on and off for over 15 years. Science fiction and fantasy are what it's all about for me: Stargate and Star Trek got me started, and now most of my work is in Mass Effect and the Star Wars universe. I think what I enjoy most about science fiction/fantasy stories is the way the genres use their nonhuman characters to explore the human condition. From Spock and Data of Star Trek, to The Doctor of Doctor Who, to the ensemble cast of the Mass Effect games; from the hobbits and elves of Middle-Earth to the angel Castiel in Supernatural, these characters hold up a mirror to our collective face and show us what it means to be human. And oftentimes, I think, that's the whole point of the stories they belong to. My favorite kind of fanfic to write is to explore a character's backstory. Who were they before we meet them in canon? How did they get to where they are now? What shaped them to become the character we know? These kinds of questions fascinate me, so expect a lot of that in my fics. I tend to stay mostly canon-compliant, as well, except when I do crossovers. I’m also on AO3 as CelticKnot! :) The Paths We Are Given: Many of my past, current, and future Mass Effect fics have started to come together into a single timeline, so I've decided to call them a series. They're non-consecutive and each can stand alone; the series is numbered more or less in the order the stories were added. So far, I have eight written, in the works, or planned: 1. "Compromised" (complete) — 2175 The year in which the bulk of each story is set is given to indicate chronological order. Sabacc Shift: A couple of years ago, I joined the Into a Bar crossover challenge on DreamWidth, intending to write a quick one-shot and then go back to my other WIPs. Well, it quickly turned into the Little Plot Bunny That Could, and now there will be at least three multi-chaptered fics. They are: 1. [Untitled story about how Thane and Han met] "Sabres" was the one I started for the challenge, so I seem to be writing the trilogy backward. But like TPWAG, all three fics can stand alone. None of my WIPs are abandoned. While I can make no promises as to updates, all of my unfinished fics are still being worked on. Stay tuned! |
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