![]() Author has written 68 stories for Ninja Turtles, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Golden Girls, Fifty Shades Trilogy, and Deadpool. Just to reiterate. DIALOG TAGS ARE NOT SENTENCES, PEOPLE. AND A DIRECT ADDRESS IS OFFSET BY COMMAS. SEE WHAT I DID THERE, PEOPLE. Something that's been bugging me. I don't really want to take a stance either way about turtlecest. Like it if you like it. I don't really care. I just try to see the turtles through the eyes of siblings I've experienced through my own life and through my own relationship as a sibling and that's where my no-cest statements in the stories come from. Normally, in the course of life, siblings don't even consider it and I've noticed that I bring it up unnaturally a lot in the course of my stories because I see it in the genre. So I'm going to try to be a little more realistic, at least in my own view, and stop mentioning it, even jokingly. I hope that clears things up. So no offense meant. I don't mean to make jabs at any genre or generalize or anything. The TMNT story is something I wrote while trying to solve a problem in my own story and so the structure reflects the plot through character solution I was seeking. Sorry that it's mostly character and not much fighting. It is based on the first 7 or 8 issues of the Volume 1 comics and not the cartoon. I just put up a new episode of TMNT adventures. And yes, it is considered a Golden Girls crossover. There are no Golden Girls in the story and only a very minor character with a really silly name who was mentioned during the course of one episode. But I used enough detail that I thought the show should get credit. It's a little shorter than the first one and I don't feel completely satisfied with it. So helpful criticism would be appreciated. I was a creative writing major, so I'm used to the workshop idea. But please say something helpful and don't tell me that it's crap. That doesn't help me in any way. The third story is done. I won't make any comments about it, except that Mary Sue is an evil more pervasive than I would ever have imagined. I'm working on a series of diary entries for April. Thinking about what life would be like for somebody who hung around with teenagers who happen to be ninjas makes me laugh. I don't think it would be all coolness and fun all the time. So far I'm just rambling with it, so I don't know if it will really get anywhere or not. April's Diary is starting to look a little like Bridget Jones' Diary. But whatever. I'm having fun with it. 1/7/11 - Miracle of miracles. I finished the April's Diary ENDING OF EPICNESS outline again. So another chapter might come along today or tomorrow. Oh, and I'm going to put those interim chapters where they belong, so don't get confused. 1/15/11 - We're going to end the April's Diary audio play voting soon, so go vote. Also, the Stealthy Stories nomination process ends on 1/22/11 so get those stories read and sorted. Info is on the forum. Also wanted to say that I've gotten some OOC comments and wanted to say that I purposefully do that sometimes. 1/27/11 - Haven't been updating as much. I'll try to get on some stuff like The Tormentor and April's Diary. 1/29/11 - Taking the first baby steps towards renewing The Tormentor. Might have the chapter finished tomorrow. 1/30/11 - Just posted probably the silliest parody I've ever written. 2/5/11 - The Stealthy Stories awards nomination period ends next week and not many people have nominated. We won't have anything to vote for if nobody nominates anything. So go over there and do it. Get busy. http:///forum/viewtopic.php?t=14684&mforum=stealthystories 2/11/11 - Wrote a Golden Girls/ TMNT character crossover. Going to do all four turtles and girls. I have strange interests I guess. Working on some projects. I need to get up some new chapters though. 2/15/11 - The nominations are out. Strangely enough, Black Wings got Best Romance and Best Horror. What kind of a monster have I created? Here's the ballot: http:///forum/viewtopic.php?t=15092&mforum=stealthystories 3/2/11 - So I wrote a story that seems to crush the soul. Awesome. And that notorious *lame* likes it. I have tamed the wild beast. 3/27/11 - The 2011 fanfic awards are in and here are my wins. Thanks for reading and enjoying: Best Action/Adventure 1st - “April’s Diary” by Connie Nervegas Best Drama Most Accurate Portrayal Best Leonardo Scene Honorable Mention - "The Shadow" by Connie Nervegas Honorable Mention - “The Foundling” by Connie Nervegas Best One-Shot Honorable Mention - "With Every Breath I Become More Inflated" by Connie Nervegas 4/3/11 - The little audioplay version of April's Diary is posted now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoBkPgUclGE 6/8/11 - Dude! I'm updating. I posted an April's Diary chapter. I wrote it as a little special for the audio play and it was going to be exclusive to that, but I decided to put it up anyway. I've been working on Hamato Overture really diligently. Yes, it's a romance and I will continue to chip away at it. I might have to wait until the Mary Sue craze dies down first though. And I finally had some big brain waves on Black Wings. I think it's going to go down a road that people aren't expecting. I hope. Or else I'm not doing my job right. Oh, by the way. Quoting yourself on your own wall is both lame and tacky. If you want to look really arrogant and immature, then go ahead and do it. 6/11/11 - So I came really close to screaming at somebody for hinting around about what I should put in my author's notes or more like what I shouldn't put in them. They're mine and I'll say whatever please. 6/13/11 - Still working on making Black Wings work. Too many epic ideas. 6/29/11 - Decided to write an essay about the pointless nature of the definition of Mary Sue. I'm getting tired of seeing her as a measure of all things character. She's just a figment of fanfiction's imagination. 7/8/11 - I wrote a Black Wings chapter. It's kind of a little exposition chapter because I'm trying to move out of the slump of misery and towards action. 8/16/11 - I put up a little drabble about gardening. Still working on Hamato Overture, but I got all confused and screwed up the next chapter. I might use a different idea. I think I just need a different way to head into the chapter. Like start further in. Been reading Dante's The Inferno and it's giving me wild ideas about Black Wings. I know the last chapter kind of lamed out, so I'll fix it up before I start up again. I need to finish Golden Girls crossover too. And I watched Pride and Prejudice and got crossover ideas there too. I need to stop having ideas. 8/17/11 - I need to start responding to reviewers again. And updating stuff. Finishing my outlines. Getting back on the ball. 9/7/11 - I'm working on Hamato Overture again. I finally figured out what was wrong with that outline. And a few of my fanfiction buddies might write little cameos for Shannon. I know M.D. Owen is writing her a little spot in her story "I Remember You". I borrowed Emyrs Becker from that story and dropped her into Hamato Overture, making her ten times more loony. The story is here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6154479/1/I_Remember_You I like seeing her walk around in other stories. I don't mind if she's different. I like seeing how others perceive a character I've created. It's also obviously flattering that anybody would even want to. Here's a little progress or report on my stories that are in limbo - The Black Wings - I mucked up the last chapter. At least the last half and I'll be rewriting that after I figure out the rest of the outline. I had a brilliant idea that doesn't seem so brilliant anymore, but hopefully my new ideas are better. I want to get them in order before I rewrite and send it down a path. April's Diary - I got an alarming review that seemed to think the last chapter was the "epic" ending I promised. I have a flabby chapter in the outline that needs to be incorporated into the next and I planned some things that look stupid now. So I think I'll get on that at some point... The Tormentor - Nothing. Nada. Still no idea. The Foundling - I keep saying I'll write on it every time I see my adorable nephew and then realize I can't do adorable stuff because of the nature of the next chapter and also I don't know how to lead into it yet. 9/8/11 - I just wrote half an April's Diary chapter! Woohoo! 9/16/11 - So I had a pretty noticeable continuity error in Chapter 11 of Hamato Overture. Merritt sat on the couch and the next sentence he was sitting in a bean bag chair. Whoops. 9/30/11 - So I finally have myself a full time job! I won't have as much time to write, but I wasn't writing all that much anyway. I've mostly been obsessing on finishing Hamato Overture. I think it's because romance is so hard for me and I'm determined to see this through and do it right. But it takes a lot more labor on my part. So I think I'm going to be ignoring my other stories until it's done. 6-19-12 - Wow. Long time no post. I'm still working on Hamato Overture. I has a super stressful winter. I got a full time job the same time as my last post too. Coincidence? I think not. And I need to totally redo the outline for Hamato Overture. I'm going to remove the last chapter because it's not right and put it in OC drabbles, I think. Here are my awards this year: Best Romance: Hamato Overture, 1st place Best Crossover: Golden Girls and Green Boys, 1st place Strangest Scene: Duality, Honorable Mention Best Leonardo Scene: Honorable Mention, Hudson River Cannibals Best Raphael Scene: Hamato Overture, 1st place Duality, Honorable Mention Best Michelangelo Scene: April's Diary, 3rd place Best Canon Ally: The Foundling, Honorable Mention Best Original Character: Hamato Overture, 1st place Best Multichapter: The Black Wings, Honorable Mention Best Established Author: 3rd place 12-15-13: It's been so long since I posted, I hardly know how to use the website anymore. I'm sure I wouldn't know my password if my browser hadn't remembered for me. 8-10-14: Saw the movie two days ago. Wrote a chapter of April's Diary. Don't really feel like expounding on my opinion. Even though I know the world must be dying to know what THE GREAT CONNIE NERVEGAS thinks of the new movie. 5-10-15: I need to find some images for story covers. I just thought of the perfect catch phrase for April's Diary and put that up. I want to find an image of either a stripper or a swirling evil vortex for Cherry Pop, but APPARENTLY strippers would probably get me banned for indecency. 9-15-16: I don't know if anybody still looks at my update page or not anymore. You have probably noticed that I longer update. About six months ago I made the mistake of going on some anti-anxiety medication that totally deprived me of all creative drive. I've decided to come off it, but even though I'm on the lowest dose, I'm not sure that I will be able to write for a few months at least. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my brains back soon. |