Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Inuyasha, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, and X-Men. Welcome Fanfiction Readers! Dear Readers, You’re arrived here to my page of the headquarters of Mangled Misfit. It's been awhile since I've checked up on things here on I'm sorry to all of those who have been waiting for updates. Unforuntately, I will not continue to write fanfictions considering I am quite involved in creating my own original stories and poems (some of them are published on under the pen name: Amethyst-88). Please note... that there may be some good news for some of you. I am quite fond of my: Miracle or Curse? story that I am crafting it to make it more original (shifting away from the X-men theme) in order to fully call it my own and someday get it published into a novel. I am unsure how much of it I will post on considering I do not want it to be stolen and want somewhat of a surprise for readers, if it ever does get offically publish, when they read it (plus, of course, I want them to buy the book...if that ever happens). Anyway, I hope that some of you choose to check out and keep reading, reviews are always appreciated and helps me grow as a writer. As I have grown older, I realise that I do in fact want to carrying on with my writing and I am very serious about it. So I hope you stick with me and come along on the ride of the many places I incorporate in my stories and are pleased to meet the characters I bring life to. M.M. How Stories are going: Miracle or Curse? (Book 1) Based on the developing story of my made-up X-men character, Angel Arden. See what she goes through in her life and how she deals with the hardships she is faced with. Storylines and RPs on Angel Arden can be found here: http:///index.cgi My username is Eden. (UPDATE!) - This story will be edited to become a more original story, straying away from the X-men theme. I plan to publish it on fictionpress. Please check out my account. When I can, I'll let you all know when the first chapter will be published and, up and running. If you like to see my original works such as short stories, pieces of soon-to-be novels and my very own poems... CHECK OUT: XOX Last Updated: April 4, 2008. |
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