Author has written 13 stories for Final Fantasy I-VI, Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VIII. My Facebook page(s): The Mintfield, fanfiction by Mintbaby, Angel Breath Books, fiction from the heart Follow me on Twitter: Domains: (original fiction); (fan-fiction) You can now download many of my fan-fiction for free from Smashwords (supports ALL e-reader formats) and Barnes & Noble. Consider leaving a review! BIO Growing up with text-based adventure games, story-like educational games for the personal computer (ours was the TI-99/4A), the arcade-type games for the Atari, and table-top adventure/mystery games, I've had quite a 'gaming' background. First introduced to the story-driven game type when A Link to the Past came out for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), I couldn't get enough. I eagerly played anything that was basically an interactive novel. That included everything from Squaresoft games to those by Enix, Konami, Capcom, and anything else I could find. I was an addict. Though I had been writing novels and plays since before the age of 16, I discovered the adventure of writing fanfiction in 1999 when I read a fic for Dragon Warrior called Gwaelin (I think). That story, as well as the others read, inspired me to write Helping Hands for Final Fantasy VII, Terra for Final Fantasy VI, and so on and so forth. Then, finally, I stumbled into the limitless potential of the Final Fantasy VIII realm and created the serial that is Bookworms and... Booya! As you can see when you venture further inside, my writing habits and imagination have never been the same. Each fanfiction project undertaken has helped me grow, stretching past what I could envision while utilizing the 'hand-up' of these visionaries whom created such vivid worlds and characters. Fanfiction, simply put, has been a God-sent blessing of epic proportions. I hope my stories never cease to inspire others as the first-read ones inspired me. mintbaby (aka writersprite on Special thanks to Lyubimyj. Your passion for fantasy and creating new realms has reinspired my own desire to strive for perfection in my writing. To my editors Magnus Prime and JSeay. Your pushes and suggestions have helped me get to the story that might not have been told, the chapter that might not have been written, and the character that might never have been born. |
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