Author has written 13 stories for Stargate: SG-1, and Stargate: Atlantis. Hi guys, The good news is that I am working on Stargate Ragnarok again, both episode 7 (and beyond) and a heavy reworking of episode 1 with much greater emphasis on the latter. It isn't a reboot - more like a remastered special edition director's cut. The bad news is that with unemployment, job-hunting, a house move and numerous other concerns in my life at the moment it may be a while before I can get either of these completed. If you want to discuss anything to do with SGR (or any of my fics), you can send me a private message or visit the relevant forum threads at GateWorld, Space Station Orion or Stargate New Seasons. Thank you in advance for any reviews you leave, they're all gratefully received and I try to reply to each - however there may be a delay for the above reasons. Also, while you're on I strongly urge you to check out the work of a few very good friends, betas and fellow writers. They are: AnaLake, writer of the excellent (and epic!) SG-1 fic "All That We Leave Behind" Garrowan, writer of many things, including the SGA fic "Allies", Aliens fic "Heart of Darkness" and the Warhammer 40,000 fic "A Line in the Sand" Elgin, writer of "No Fate", the most insanely awesome crossover I've yet read (what is it a crossover of? Everything awesome and astonishing!). Things to know about me and my writing: The Stargate universe is a vast, complex and very interesting place, and as entertaining as they are there's much more to it than just SG-1, Sheppard's team and the crew of the Destiny. Consequently, I try to focus on stories that may touch upon the main continuity but do not feature major characters except typically in minor or 'cameo' roles. I love Stargate. I write fan fiction. But the only ships I'm interested in have hyperdrives. You are not going to find much here that isn't consistent with the tone and content of the Stargate universe as established by Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. That means swearing will typically be fairly mild (I might make the odd exception given the slightly darker and more grown-up tone I want SGR to have), there will be a fair bit of technology and mythology, violence and gore will be present but minimal and meaningful, and most importantly I want a sense of humour and a sense of adventure in everything. I also like to examine the workings of the Gateverse, the things we never see on-screen but that must be happening and that might explain the hows and the whys, and I like consistency and a degree of realism. So, what else? I'm English. I'm male. I'm apparently odd and very geeky. I can pass for human (though all the tests come back 'inconclusive'). Disclaimer for all stories I clearly don't own any part of Stargate (unless you count all the DVD and Blu-Ray boxsets, audio books and actual books I've bought, and the souvenirs from conventions I've been to) as I'm still in a minimum wage day job. I do this because in some way I want to help keep interest and enthusiasm for Stargate alive while we wait to see what happens to it, and in the process contribute something to one of the nicest, best, funniest and most welcoming fan communities in existence. I make absolutely zero money off these stories - and in fairness, if I spent as much time working on my own original fic as I do on fanfic, there would be a better chance that I wouldn't still be in the aforementioned minimum wage day job (even if novel writing doesn't really pay that well). I would dearly, dearly love to own even a piece of the Stargate franchise as I absolutely adore it (hence the fanfiction, books, DVDs, CDs, convention tickets etc), and honestly, if there's even the slightest chance of MGM reading this while idly contemplating what they're going to do with the Stargate property - I work for peanuts* (I refer you to the twice aforementioned minimum wage day job). I willingly, happily and regularly contribute actual monies and revenue to the owners of Stargate (and you should too - maybe we'll get another series) by way of continuing to buy books, DVDs, Blu-Rays, convention tickets and other merchandise, so I would really, really appreciate not being sued. (*Not literally, I hate peanuts.) |
AnaLake (2) Beanpot (20) bunjamina66 (40) Elgin (3) Flatkatsi (55) | Garrowan (6) Jeanniewal (12) LannaKitty (21) Punny GEM (17) Shannon K (27) | SSK Productions (3) StargateMillennium (20) StuckInThePast (23) |