![]() Author has written 28 stories for Lord of the Rings. Click on the link to see the rose mentioned in "The Lonely Road": "Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. (Muhammad Ali) About Me: Age: Neither young, nor old - immortal :D About my Stories: I've always been writing since I've learned how to write, both original work and fanfiction (though I didn't know it was called 'fanfiction' until I discovered its existence some years ago. ;-). Nowadays, I'm mostly writing Lord of the Rings fanfiction. I've read the books as a child and completely fell in love with them, a love that has only grown stronger through watching the movies. Both have influenced my writing. I especially love writing about friendship, and most of my stories focus currently on the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas. Find my Stories: On Livejournal. Just click the homepage-link. The first entry will always show you my newest stories, complete with links if they've already been posted. I plan to add another entry listing all my stories, series, the awards they've won, etc. soon. My stories are posted on fanfiction.net, Naice A Nilme, HASA, and Haven of Dreams under the same penname. Usually I post new stories in the Owners of Aragorn Angst yahoo group before posting them anywhere else. :)
If you love friendship-stories as much as I do, but don't have the time or patience to hunt them down on FFnet, take a look at my C2-community: "The Bonds of Friendship": http://www.fanfiction.net/c2/18842/3/0/1/ It is an archive for beautiful friendship stories, which may be angsty, sad, happy, funny, with or without torture, heart-breaking or heart-warming... This archive will be updated constantly, whenever I find a new story that is suited for it. Most of the stories will concentrate on the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas, or Legolas and Gimli or all three of them. I usually add the stories after they are finished (though I make exceptions when I know that the story is already complete). The only story in there that will probably remain unfinished is "Blade's Brother" by Mirien. The story is simply too beautiful not to add it, and it does not end on a cliffie. ;-) This archive is solely about friendship, there will be no slash stories in it. The most wonderful stories I ever read are the stories by Legolass Q. You will find them under my favourites or in the C2-community, but be warned: if you are anything like me, fetch tissues first and read then! My English stories: SERIES 1: Kindred Spirits (working title): About the series: The most important stories about this series are not written yet, currently I'm working on two of them. Legolas and Aragorn meet each other when they are both already grown up and Aragorn is already a ranger. In this series, Legolas has a very tragic past. "Found" SERIES 2: Elf and Ranger Tales (formerly known as Mirkwood Tales): About the series: Legolas meets Aragorn when he is still Estel and a small child. Most of the stories take place in Mirkwood or focus on Legolas' nature as a wood-elf. Seven of the stories so far include Thranduil. "Like a Bird in the Sky" (1st place 2008 MC Awards, Best Legolas Thranduil Fic) SINGLE STORIES: GAPFILLERS: "Vigil" (posted as Chap.13 in "Facets of Friendship") COLLECTIONS: "Facets of Friendship" (a collection of short Aragorn Legolas friendship stories) Falls es noch irgendwelche deutschen Leser gibt, die hier ab und zu hineingucken: ich habe die Vorgeschichte zu "Eine Nacht in Lothlórien" nicht aufgegeben. Ich schreibe noch immer daran und werde das auch weiterhin tun, wie lange es auch immer dauern mag. :) Ich hoffe, ihr seid dann noch da und wollt sie lesen. ;-) Meine deutschen Geschichten: "Eine Nacht in Lothlórien": Aragorn und Legolas teilen in Lothlórien ihre Trauer über Gandalfs Tod. Viel Freundschaft, etwas Angst und bittersüße Trauer... Kein Slash! Hoffentlich der Start eines größeren Erzählzyklus. In Arbeit: Noch kein Titel: Eine längere Geschichte über Freundschaft, Überleben und was so dazugehört...(grins) I want to say thank you to all my dear reviewers - you are wonderful! -huggles- :) :) :) Ich möchte mich bei all meinen lieben Reviewern bedanken - ihr seid wunderbar! -knuddel- :) :) :) "Don't walk behind me, "A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." "Friends are God's way of taking care of us." |
Community: | The Bonds of Friendship |
Focus: | Books Lord of the Rings |